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Holli Myerhoff

Isaac Whitehorn

Holli Brynn Myerhoff and Isaac Whitehorn will be married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple on May 6. A reception in their honor will be held that same evening in the Huntington Stake Center from 6-8 p.m.
Parents of the bride are Tom and Loyette Holdaway and Bruce Myerhoff. Parents of the groom are Dottie Linge and Andy Whitehorn.

Sarah Jorgensen

Robert Jensen

Michael and Cheryl Jorgensen of Castle Dale announce the marriage of their daughter Sarah Jorgensen to Robert Jensen, son of Phillip and Pauline Jensen of Ferron. The couple will be married May 10 in the Manti LDS Temple.
A reception in their honor will be on May 14 from 6-8 p.m. at the Castle Dale Third Ward building, 165 West 800 North. Dancing will be from 8-9 p.m.

Dana Stahlecker

Nathan Jenkins

Val and Floree Jenkins announce the marriage of their son Nathan Jenkins to Dana Stahlecker on May 10 in Maui, Hawaii.
An open house in their honor will be held June 3 in Salt Lake City.
Dana is the daughter of Scott and Gina Stahlecker.

Janet Twitchell

John Armstrong

Janet Lynn Twitchell and John Arlen Armstrong will exchange wedding vows on May 7. The marriage will be held in Pioneer Park, 100 East 550 North, Price. A reception will be held, following the ceremony, from 1-4 p.m.
Parents of the bride are Lula and Vern Jensen and the late Carl W. Twitchell. Parents of the groom are John B. and Bernice Armstrong.

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