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Memorial Day, American Legion

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American Legion Post 73 has been working very hard to prepare for the upcoming Memorial Day observance. They will be at the Elmo, Cleveland, Lawrence, and Huntington cemeteries on Memorial Day to present the new memorial monuments in honor of all veterans.
The mayors and city council members of each town will be present to receive these presentations. The American Legion will do a full Memorial Day ceremony at each cemetery, including the Flag ceremony, the firing of weapons, and the sounding of Taps. Blake Jones will present the Ragged Ole Flag.
The times are: Elmo-9:45 a.m.; Cleveland-10:30 a.m.; Lawrence-11:15 a.m.; and Huntington-Noon. Everyone is welcome to attend, one or all of the ceremonies, to honor our veterans. They gave their “all” for us, now let us give them our “all” by being in attendance.

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