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Locks of Love



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Brittany Hansen, of Cleveland, gets a hair cut for Locks of Love.

Brittany Hansen, 7, of Cleveland, went to Hair Clinic in Castle Dale on Aug. 19. She had her hair cut specifically to donate to Locks of Love. Monica Eley did the measuring and cutting of Brittany’s hair.
Brittany had her hair trimmed last year, and the stylist mentioned that if she had taken one more inch it would have been enough to donate. This made Brittany curious about Locks of Love. She began to consider donating, and made the decision that when her hair was long enough again, she would cut it and donate it to them. Locks of Love is a non profit organization that makes hair pieces from donated human hair to provide for children and adults who are undergoing medical treatment that may make them lose their hair.
Brittany will be entering the second grade at Cleveland Elementary in Sherrie McMullin’s class. She is the daughter of Monica and Bryant Hansen.

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