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Letter to the Editor: the few speak for the many

By FRANKIE DAVIS Orangeville

It’s a sad day when so few say they have the right to speak for the many. Who gave these people the right to tell me I can’t pray to a God that I choose to believe in? That I have no right to raise my hand to my heart and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to God and country and especially to the men and women who fight every day for this right.
Who says that I can’t salute the flag of this United States of America? I did not sign anything giving them the right to speak for me.
An now these same few are trying to take Christmas trees out by calling them holiday trees. Why? Who is offended by calling them Christmas trees? Aren’t there more for Christmas trees than holiday trees? There is no substance or love in those two words. There is no heart, no beauty, no happiness and no love when you say come on kids let’s go cut down our holiday tree. There is no ring of joy and no feeling of excitement. But when you say, come on kids let’s go get us a Christmas tree. Boy the difference you see in their faces and the stars in their eyes. You see what you felt when you were so believing and full of hope and love when you were their age.
How can so few get the right to threaten big corporations with closure if the Christmas spirit was displayed and people were forced to listen to the Christmas songs and see the lights and toys displayed with all their grandeur. No Christmas spirit means no selling power to me. I love the Christmas spirit and try to keep it within my heart all year long…but I’ve noticed that it’s null and void in the big box stores we have to shop at in our area. So I’m ordering from catalogs or the internet. I won’t be buying any gifts from them.
It’s not the employees fault, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Christmas is what you make it, but you have to have something to work with and stores without music and decorations to lure me and mine in just won’t do this year…Merry Christmas…Silver Bells and Noel and all that goes with it is sent with my heart singing all the way.

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