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Letter to the Editor: October Rocky Mountain Energy Reporter


I assume the October Rocky Mountain Energy Reporter was enclosed with the Progress in the Dec. 20, 2005 issue to bring information regarding the various ways energy resources are being removed, or are planned to be removed, from the area. And in particular it probably was to focus on Bill Barrett and his Earth Day award.
I am happy if there is anyone in that business who sincerely tries to do that work with care in some way for the Earth and its creatures. I would be much happier if there would be more effort and imagination and help in moving us all to less resource debilitating and polluting types of energy production. This is likely to require each of us to speak up in favor of using better resources and beginning to use them as soon as possible personally. This includes our getting politicians to do their part to encourage invention and use. There are some interesting possibilities already begun. Also, it means the various aspects of the energy industry being truly open to a lesser use of whatever product they have and that they not act to prevent such change.

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