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The USS Nitro AE-2 and USS Nitro AE-23 Association

The USS Nitro AE-2 and USS Nitro AE-23 Association will be holding their annual reunion from June 22-25 in Las Vegas, Nev. For information, contact the Nitro\’s website at http://ussnitro.org.

Arbor Day Poster Contest

An Arbor Day poster contest will be held for all Utah elementary school students. For registration materials contact the Utah Arbor Day Committee at the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands in Salt Lake City at 1-801-538-5555.

Free Water Well Testing

Your local soil conservation district and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food are sponsoring a free of charge ground water testing program for people who have their own water supply systems. Water will be tested for bacteria, pesticides, nitrates, and inorganic materials. Owner information is confidential. Call Mark at 1-801-538-9905 or Rich at 1-801-538-7190 to make an appointment.

Help a Student

A fifth grade student in Tacoma, Wash. is interested in used license plates, postcards, newspapers, maps, or anything else that can be provided that depicts the State of Utah. The reason for this is that he is doing a report called “Parade Of States”. Any information, items, or anything else which can be provide dwould be greatly appreciated. Contact info is:1168 90th St E, Tacoma, WA 98445 or e-mail at friedbryce@comcast.net

Emery County Democrats

The Emery County Democrats will be holding a dinner to discuss issues,recruit candidates and build party support on Feb. 11 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Museum of the San Rafael (96 North 100 East in Castle Dale). All interested people are welcome to attend. State and local party leaders will speak. Dinner, and prize drawings will also be provided. Tickets will be available at the door or contact your precinct chair or party officers: Gary Petty, FloAnn Wilson, or Kim Player.

Huntington Dog Licenses

The Huntington City 2006 dog licenses are now due. Proof of current rabies vaccination must be presented before license can be issued. Deadline for dog licenses is March 1. Dog licenses may be purchased at the Huntington City Hall or at the rabies clinics which will be held: Jan. 28, 9 a.m.-noon, Dr. Griggs; and Feb. 25, 9 a.m.-noon, Dr. Jensen.

Days of 47 Royalty Pageant

Applicants are needed for the 2005 Days of 47 Royalty Pageant. Information concerning qualifications, prizes, and applications may be picked up at Meier and Frank Department Store, or through a DUP members. For more information contact Marie at 637-7688.

Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp

Applications are now being evaluated for the Ten Star All Star summer basketball camp. The camp is by invitation only. Boys and girls ages 10-19 are eligible to apply. College basketball scholarships are possible for players selected to the All-American Team. For a free brochure call 704-373-0873.

Little League Wrestling Meeting

The Little League Wrestling organizational meeting will be held Tues., Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Emery County Recreation Building in Castle Dale. Anyone interested in helping is encouraged to attend. Coaches are always needed! Please contact Tina or Ferd at 687-2370 if you have any questions.

Emery Rabies Clinic

Emery Town dog licenses are due by Feb. 28 and are available for purchase at the town office with proof of a current rabies vaccine. A rabies clinic will be held at the tool shed next to the old Emery church on Jan. 28 from noon-2 p.m.

Planning meeting

Emery County Economic Development Council Will host the annual planning session Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Emery County Building Main Street, Castle Dale. Upstairs in the Canyon Room. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Utah Humanities Council

The Utah Humanities Council is currently accepting grant proposals for future public humanities projects. Applications are due Feb. 1 for projects after May 1. Go online at www.utahhumanities.org or call 801-359-9670.

Habitat For Humanity

Habitat For Humanity of Castle Country, an affiliate of Carbon and Emery Counties, is building a wheelchair accessible house in Castle Dale. Please send your donations (large or small) to help finish the roof and buy shingles to HHCC, P.O. Box 724, Price, UT 84501. You can: volunteer for workdays, attend Board meetings, save aluminum cans, get on our mailing list, help sponsor a fund raiser, or get an application by calling Katherine Foster, President, 650-0074 or Sylvia Nelson, 435-687-9184 (leave a message) or you can pick up HFHI information at the Castle Dale RSVP/VOA office.

Castle Dale Stake Pow Wow

Castle Dale Stake Pow Wow will be held Jan. 19 and 26, and Feb. 2 in the Castle Dale Stake Center from 6-8:25 p.m. Ferron and Huntington stakes are welcome to participate. Contact your scout leaders for registration papers and information. Registration fees and papers are due by Jan. 12. Packets may be picked up Jan. 19 at 5:30 p.m. For more information call Derrell at 381-2437.

My Purpose in Life

In this new year join others in a retreat on Jan. 21 at Home Place in Orangeville from 10 a.m.-3p.m. You will explore your purpose in life beyond work and career and how to best fulfill it. For information and reservations call Paula at 435-748-2230.

Orangeville Animal Licenses

Orangeville animal license for 2006 are due by Feb. 28. Rabies clinics will be held at the old Orangeville fire station Feb. 11 from 9 a.m.-noon,

Ferron Rabies Clinic

Ferron City rabies clinics will be held: Jan. 19 at the city shop, 25 East Molen Road, 4-6 p.m. with Dr. Utley; and Jan. 28 at the city shop, 25 East Molen Road from 10 a.m.-noon with Dr. Jensen. Dog licenses are due Jan. 31. Licenses will be issued at the clinics.

Stitches from the Heart

Stitches from the Heart needs volunteers to knit, crochet or quilt blankets, sweaters and hats for babies in needs. These items are donated to hospitals all over the country. Patterns are available. Donated yarn desperately needed for seniors and childrens knitting programs. Contact Kathy Silverton at 1-866-472-6903 or e-mail at StitchFromHeart@aol.com.

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