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Letter to the Editor: Video game mocks law enforcement


My first and only ride in a limo was not what I had expected it might be. The view of the funeral procession behind us was breathtaking with hundreds of officers escorting my family to my father’s final resting place. Though I will always love and appreciate all those who came to show their sorrow and respect for my dad, the most touching sights were the little kids who lined the streets waving American flags. Maybe they wouldn’t forget; maybe they would not forget what was given to them. This gift of protection and freedom to us all comes sometimes at an unimaginable cost. Just ask the families of over 900,000 law enforcement officers or those of almost 18,000 fallen officers in America. These men and women are more than just a name etched in marble; they are children, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. I love this country, but its time to make some changes.
It seems we are lucky to live in one of the greatest nations on earth, but that does not come without responsibility as citizens. It is said that evil prevails when good men do nothing. Since the announcement of the video game “25-to-life” my eyes have been opened to some of our greater faults. The game demeans and mocks the sacrifices my father and many others have made in the name of law enforcement.
How can it be that the majority of us have been doing nothing about these social steps downward? Each step has taken us further and further down, a lot has happened because we have done nothing. Since when was it OK to the majority that our children are not allowed to pray in school or at any extra curricular activity, or to read religious writings? When did we say that it was OK to ban religious public scenes or scriptures from our libraries, but to publicly display “art” that makes most cringe with embarrassment is acceptable in the name of free speech? Who said it was alright to prohibit Christmas songs in school, but to allow the most foul language under the protection of “theater”? Isn’t it amazing that these freedoms have been slyly taken from under our noses because the majority of us have done nothing? Most think nothing can be done, some think others will do it and some just don’t care, and therefore we have an ongoing slip in society.
I was shocked to learn that video game makers are producing yet another game that promotes violence towards our police officers, “25-to-Life”. How could this really happen? I took a good look around, and didn’t really like all that I was seeing. I figured it was time for me to start doing something. I still have the right to speak out, and so do all other citizens of the United States. It is time for us to tell the stores that we are ready to draw the line for them. We cannot continue to allow the decline in our social standards. It is sickening to me that game makers and retailers expect to earn (from us) millions of dollars for a game that promotes violence and disrespect to those of our community that risk their lives for our families. Please do something; anything. Let your voice be heard, call all local store managers-tell them to refuse to sell “25-to-life”. Let the retailers know they shouldn’t be selling it, talk to your kids about the games they play, and try to remember the great sacrifices that have been made so we might take a stand, and have a say in our children’s futures. We sometimes carefully surround ourselves with all that we love and accept, and expect all else to stay far from us, when in reality, it’s sneaking in our front doors.

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