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USU Rocket Launch in Green River




Students prepare their rocket for launch.

Utah State University hosted the first annual rocket competition just south of Green River. The competition was held adjacent to the Crystal Geyser road. Fifty spectators and team members were present at the competition.
Originally scheduled for November, but due to permitting and other arrangements which had to be put in place the competition was held off until January.
Professor Paul Mueller was instrumental in putting together the competition and hopefully this is just the first of an annual event.
Two universities participated in the rocket launch, Utah State and the University of Alabama at Huntsville.
The rockets try to reach 10,000 feet and are shot at an angle to best accomplish this. All factors are taken into consideration including fuel, thrust and projectory, but the goal is 10,000 feet elevation. After the rocket goes as high as it can it returns to earth. Spotters are on the look out for where the rocket makes its landing.
It is the hope of Utah State in the future to get the local schools involved in the rocket project. They hope to bring them to a launch in the future.
College students who wish to become involved in the space industry are the major players in the competition. One of the judges for the event was from Thiokol.
The students study business based technology and they spend one semester studying and the next semester putting the rocket together.
The culmination of all the work is when the rocket finally leaves the ground and the rocket is put through the test.
The Bureau of Land management also supported the event by allowing the permit to hold the launch on BLM managed land.

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