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Ecct to Present “suessical”



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These classic, “Seusiccal” colorful tales are seamlessly brought together by Jojo (Jordan Sitterud), a young boy and “thinker of strange and wonderful thinks.” As each story unfolds you will marvel at how relevant and profound Seuss’s subtle themes are, making this musical one that appeals to all ages.
The musical is directed by Ann Murdoch and Gina Sitterud, and will be presented at the Emery High School auditorium Feb. 9-11 and 13 at 7 p.m. There will also be a Saturday matinee on Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. Children of all ages will enjoy this special addition to the regular performances. All tickets are $5.
The score emerges as a Seussian gumbo of musical styles, ranging from Latin to pop, swing to gospel and R&B to funk. So let your toes tap, your fingers snap, and your imagination run wild, for: “If you open your mind. Oh the hhinks you will find lining up to get loose, oh, the thinks you can think when you think about Seuss.”

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