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Letter to the Editor: Thankful for USA

By ROY POGUE Woodside

Dear Editor,
and whoever will listen.
Not a Complaint:
In these uneasy times when a lot of people want to blame everything and everyone, I want to congratulate the Salt Lake City Veterans Hospital.
I am a disabled Marine veteran, so is one of my sons. I also have a son in the Air Force now who came back from Iraq a few months ago and is now in Rhoda, Spain. I was discharged in December 1968 since that time I have been in and out of the V.A. Hospital, too many times to want to remember. The S.L.C. V.A.
No matter the administration in office in Washington or the continuing budget cuts and restrictions, they have always taken the utmost care of their patients. They maintain the highest standards and have some of the best doctors in the country.
If not for them I would have been deceased several years ago as would have countless other veterans. I am as proud as a rutting buck to think I may have been a part of keeping this the best country in the world. I believe all who have served has that same feeling in their hearts.
We all owe a dept of gratitude for the care and concern that our V.A.s have given to each and everyone of us that needed their help. In this the greatest country this world has ever known, the U.S.A. God Bless Them.
May God Bless our soldiers that are in harms way now and in the future, may he hold them in his blessed hands.

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