Learn how to make money selling your produce and homemade goods at a “Profits in Your Backyard” seminar to be held from 7-9 p.m. on May 4 at the Museum of the San Rafael in Castle Dale.
The free workshop is sponsored by the Emery County Economic Development Council, Castleland RC&D, and USU Extension. The Castle Dale Farmers Market was a great success in 2005 and promises to be even bigger this year.
It provides a great opportunity for local entrepreneurs to sell fruits, vegetables, eggs, honey, crafts and other items. The “Profits in Your Backyard” seminar will provide tips on pricing, how to display and package items, keeping perishables in top condition and related topics.
Speakers include: Robert McMullin, who has been raising fruit in Payson for more than 30 years. The McMullin family markets their fruit in two of their own stands, as well as at farmers markets in Spanish Fork, Murray, Provo and Sandy.
Lyn and Sherryl Fowers, who sell tart cherries, sweet cherries, apples, pears, corn, squash and pumpkins at their own stands and at farmers markets along the Wasatch front.
Wayne Urie, who helped manage a farmers market in Salt Lake City for the Utah Farm Bureau.The workshop is for anyone who is interested in selling (or buying) vegetables, fruits, honey, eggs, meat or other homemade products. Persons who intend to sell at the farmers market are invited to bring samples or literature to help advertise their products. For more information, please contact the USU Extension Office at 381-2381.
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