Princess Kelby Funk, second attendant Michelle Sorrells, and first attendant Sidnee Conder. |
In the Lil Princess division: Lil Princess Riata Christiansen, daughter of Kirk and Mistie Christiansen of Emery; first attendant, Hanna Nielsen, daughter of Shane and Laurel Nielsen of Castle Dale; and second attendant, Tailynne Moosman, daughter of Joe and Gillian Wandell of Cleveland. Other contestants were Laciejo Funk and Ashlun Clark.
In the Princess division: Princess Kelby Funk, daughter of Jack and Tammy Funk of Elmo; first attendant Sidnee Conder, daughter of Tony and Gaylene Conder of Ferron; and second attendant, Michelle Sorrells, daughter of David Sorrells of Cleveland. Other contestants were Kacey Farnsworth and Gentry Guymon.
In the Queen division: Queen Allie Jo Stokes, daughter of David and Nikie Stokes of Cleveland; and first attendant Davie Stokes, daughter of David and Nikie Stokes of Cleveland.