Huntington City conducts a queen pageant each year in conjunction with their Heritage Day festivities. This year however, the pageant has changed and expanded because of their recent franchise agreement with the Miss Utah/Miss America organization. Lori Prince, a field director with the Miss Utah pageant has agreed to be the director for this year’s pageant. The judging system and the judges will be in compliance with the rules and regulations set down by the MUO and contestants will be competing according to the MUO rules.
The age groups are as follows: Little Miss Huntington, ages 7-9; Junior Miss Huntington, ages 10-12; Miss Outstanding Teen, ages 13-16; and Miss Huntington Heritage Days, ages 17-23.
The winner of Little Miss will escort Miss Huntington at the Miss Utah pageant in 2007, and the winner of the outstanding teen will compete at the state level along with Miss Huntington in 2007. The winners will serve Huntington City for a year doing service projects, attending functions and riding on floats in parades.
This year’s pageant will be held June 10 in Huntington. For more information or to register, call Lori Prince at 687-5433 or pick up a packet at the Huntington Farm Bureau office.
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