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Ferron discusses budget


With Jo Sansevero sitting in as mayor in the absence of Ferron Mayor Gil Bowden, Ferron City Council held five public hearings. The first was to consider reopening the 2005-2006 fiscal year budget to transfer any unencumbered or unexplained balance of the general fund, enterprise fund, special revenue fund, and golf course fund from one department to another, and to include these funds in revenue and appropriations not already in the current budgets.
In the first public hearing, no public comments were heard. The hearing was closed. The second public hearing was to consider adoption of the final budget for the 2006-2007 year. As with the first hearing, no public comments were made, and the hearing was closed.
The third public hearing was concerning consideration of selling city surplus property located at approximately 40 East Main Street. It was announced that the portion of property is 30 feet by 100 feet and there are several parties interested in purchasing the property. No comments were heard concerning the sale of the property, and the public hearing was closed.
During the fourth public hearing, which was to consider annexation of real property which is owned by Ferron City but not in the city limits. It was explained that a portion of the city’s fairgrounds is actually in the county. Again no comments were heard and the hearing was closed.
The fifth public hearing was to consider setting amounts and administration procedures given to interested parties desiring donation for individuals or groups. Due to changes in Utah law during the previous year, the way donations are to be given has changed. Each donation that a city makes must be a budget item. It was explained that every organization which needs a donation throughout the year, must come to the budget meeting to ensure their group is included as a line item in the budget. No comments were heard and the hearing was closed.
During the regular city council meeting, the council approved reopening the 2005-2006 budget for adjustments. The council also approved to advertise for bids, a portion of city property. The council also approved to accept the recommendation to annex a portion of city owned property into the city limits.
When the motion was made to accept the 2006-2007 year budget, the motion died due to lack of a second. The council will now be required to have a special meeting to approve a budget and get it into the state before the deadline of June 22.
In another matter handled by the council, the Huntsman family has asked permission to install a family monument on the fairgrounds property. In the original agreement when the city purchased the property from the Huntsmans, it was stipulated that the city help pay for the monument. The council agreed to the placement of the monument.
In yet another matter, the Ferron City Planning Commission has recommended that the city make changes to the ordinance 10-4-21, to allow temporary residency in recreational vehicle, mobile homes, and manufactured homes during the construction of a permanent dwelling. Pending approval from the county building inspector, the council approved the changes.
Lou Sansevero informed the council of the 2006 changes to the land use laws. He stated that the packet includes portions concerning business license conditions, taping of public meetings, and training for open and public meetings. “Many of the changes are pertinent for local governments not just land use issues. This is very informative to the council also,” said Sansevero.
Sansevero also stated that the land use commission is working on the nuisance ordinance. He said there are some weak spots in the present ordinance, and the commission will be making a presentation at the next council meeting.
The next Ferron City Council meeting will be held June 22 at 7 p.m. in the city hall building.

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