Bill and Shirley Huntington have lived in Cleveland for 17 years. They were married in 1980. Bill is a Huntington native and Shirley was born and raised in Canada and later moved to California with her family. Bill and Shirley’s combined family consist of five children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Shirley’s daughter is currently serving in the Coast Guard in California. Her son is the manager of a large corporation, also in California. They have a grandson who serves in the Army and is currently stationed in Germany.
They have been actively involved in community happenings over the years, including Cleveland Days celebrations and various church callings. Bill has also been known to entertain the kids with his magic skills. Both are always willing to help with any activity or program that comes along.
Both Bill and Shirley are small business owners. Bill runs a precision sheet metal shop and specializes in manufacturing aircraft parts. They travel frequently to California to deliver the aircraft parts. Shirley has been a Creative Memories consultant for the past six years and has 22 consultants working under her. Her top selling status has allowed her to win trips that the company offers as incentives. She is currently in line to qualify for a two week cruise to Europe.
Bill and Shirley will preside over the Cleveland Days festivities and serve as grand marshals in the parade.
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