The Ferron/Price Ranger District will be implementing a prescribed burn within the Ferron Creek drainage area located near Ferron Canyon Road between Willow Lake and Ferron Reservoir.
The burn could start as early as July 25, and will continue until completed. The exact dates of the burn are unknown and will not be known until several days before the burn. The burn is weather dependent and will happen when conditions are favorable.
The burn will be ignited by helitorch (aerial ignition) and helicopter activity will last approximately two days. By burning under controlled conditions, effects of the fire can be managed. While the prescribed burn is taking place, the burn area will be closed to the public and there may be delays or temporary closures on Ferron Canyon Road, Forest Development Road #022.
Traffic may be routed around to the South Side Road, FDR #043. In addition, Willow Lake Campground, as well as, the trails in the George Fork, Cove Creek and Singleton Flat areas will be closed.
Prescribed burns are used for a variety of resource benefits including improved wildlife habitat, reduced fuel buildup from insect killed trees, and to support ecosystem diversity. Aspen stands provide critical habitat for many wildlife species, forage for livestock and wildlife, and to protect stream flows in critical watershed. Aspen is being lost by encroachment of conifers. Aspen regenerates by sprouting following a controlled burn or other disturbance.
If you need further information visit or contact the Ferron Ranger District at 435/384-2372.
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