Emery County Fair
Aug.1- Accepting general exhibits 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Aug. 2 – Accepting fresh fruit/vegetables exhibits, 9-11 a.m.; free swimming, Castle Dale pool, 12-6 p.m.; pig pickin’ free dinner, city park, 5 p.m.; county wide yard sale, city park streets, 4-8 p.m.; entertainment, folk art festival, all day; jackpot team roping, Castle Dale rodeo arena, 7 p.m.
Aug. 3- Exhibits open to public, 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.; inflatable rides, 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.; geocaching scavenger hunt, desert, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; senior citizen picnic, big top, 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m.; Sunshade & Rain, big top, 12-1 p.m.; tug of war, 2 p.m.; local talent, big top, 2:30- 4 p.m.; fireman foam slide, 2:30 p.m.; home run derby, baseball field, 3 p.m.; Farm Bureau talent find, big top, 4-6 p.m.; hot dog eating contest, pavilion, 5:30 p.m.; Sunshade & Rain, big top, 6-7 p.m.; greased pole climb, 7 p.m.; local entertainment, big top, 7-8 p.m.; teen dance, pavilion, 9-11:30 p.m.
Aug. 4- baby contest, big top, 10-11:30 a.m.; pet show, big top, 11:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.; rock wall climb, 12-6 p.m.; games and contests 12:30- 2:30 p.m.; local talent, big top, 1- 2:30 p.m.; hypnotist, big top, 2:30-3:30 p.m.; fireman foam slide, 3:30 p.m.; karaoke sing a long, big top, 3:30-5 p.m.; hot shot tourney, 3-12 grades, 4 p.m.; Emery Community Theatre, big top, 5-6 p.m.; lamb fry, 5-8 p.m.; hypnotist, big top, 6-7 p.m.; greased pole climb, 7 p.m.; local talent, 7-8 p.m.; trap shoot, trap range, 6-10 p.m.
Aug. 5- Parade, Main Street, 10 a.m.; inflatable games 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.; hot shot tourney, adults, 11:30 p.m.; kids contests, pavilion, 11:30 p.m.; rock wall climb, 12-6 p.m.; local talent, big top, 12-1 p.m.; tug of war, 12 p.m.; sawing contest, 12:30 p.m.; deal or no deal, big top, 1-2 p.m.; fireman foam slide, 1 p.m.; Charley Jenkins, big top, 2 p.m.; Emery American Idol, big top, 2:30 p.m.; hot shot tourney finals, 4 p.m.; local entertainment, 4-5:30 p.m.; greased pole climb, 5 p.m.; lamb fry, 5-8 p.m.; Brenn Hill, big top, 5:30 p.m.; Little Texas Concert, 7 p.m.; fireworks, right after concert.
Don’t forget our daily contests which consist of finding and counting different items and entering your guess. These items will be placed around the fair grounds and exhibit hall. Look everywhere. Don’t miss a spot or you’ll miss out on a lot. On Thursday look for sunglasses, on Friday look for kites and on Saturday look for suns. Also look for a jar full of bright items to be counted. Guess how many, get it right and you win.
Emery High Tennis
Emery High girls tennis will begin Aug. 14 at 7 a.m. Contact Tom Hansen at 653-2410.
National Tax Forum
The Internal Revenue Service is hosting the National Tax Forum in Las Vegas, Nev. at the Rio Hotel, 3700 West Flamingo Road, from Aug. 22-24 for tax professionals. Early registration by Aug. 8 will receive a discount. Visit www.taxforuminfo.com
Flag Football
Flag football sign ups for ages 7-10 ages will be held on Aug. 16 from 4-6 p.m. at the Recreation Center in Castle Dale. For more info call 687-2747. Participation fee involved.
Canyon View Football
2006 Canyon View Junior High football practice will begin Aug. 10 from 5-7 p.m. Meet at the football field dressed and ready to workout. Contact Coach Mortensen at 687-5022 or Coach Mecham at 687-2168 for more information.
Emery High Class of ’75 Reunion
The Emery High School class of 1975 reunion will be held Aug. 12. Come join your classmates for dinner, dancing, and reminscing. It will be held at EHS from 6-11 p.m. and will cost $25 per person. Call Pam at 775-884-9282 or Lorie at 801-253-2976 to let them know you are coming.
Miss Peach Days Pageants
The pageants will be held Aug. 18 at Emery High School auditorium. For more information call Liz at 384-2954, McCall at 384-3145, or Ferron City Hall at 384-2350.
Utah BBQ Association
The Utah BBQ Association will be holding a nationally recognized BBQ competition on Aug. 25-26 at the Gallivan Center in Salt Lake City. For more information call Joe Ferguson at 801-792-8035 or joe@utahbbq.org.
CEU Prehistoric Museum
Please be aware that admission to the CEU Prehistoric Museum will be changing. Adults- $4, children ages 2-12- $2, children under 2 are free and families- $10 . Museum membership fee is $30 annually. Story hour is held every Friday at 2 p.m. and it is free to museum members. Find out more about museum membership today by calling 613-5060, or stopping by 155 East Main Street in Price. The museum is opened from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. seven days a week.
Food Handler’s Class
Food handler’s classes will be taught in Price on Aug. 22, Sept. 27 at 9 a.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. and in Castle Dale at the health department on Aug. 24 and Sept. 28 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. There will also be classes taught at the Green River City Hall on July 20 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. There is a charge and the class is two hours long. For more information contact Dr, Claron Bjork at 637-3671 or Lori at 381-2252.
High School Host Families
High school students are coming from around the world to study in Castle Dale, during the 2006-07 school year. STS Foundation is a non-profit student exchange program. If you are interested call Sean at 1-800-522-4678 or visit www.stsfoundation.org.
Fair/Pageant Dinner
Start planning to come to the Fair/Pageant Dinner to he held at the fair grounds on Aug. 3-5 and 8-12. This dinner is a fund raiser for the youth city councils to hold their third annual youth leadership summit in September. This is a great opportunity for the youth and we would love to have the support of county on our dinner to make our summit a huge success. Remember to support our youth.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
A field service officer from the Veterans of Foreign Wars will be at the Price Workforce Service Center on Aug. 25 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. This is a free service to assist veterans, widows and dependents in understanding and applying for rightful VA benefits.
Castle Country Horse Show Association
Will be having show dates on Aug. 13 and Sept. 2. Registration is at 8 a.m. and the show starts at 9 a.m. $5 per class or $40 for entire show. You can save $10 for the entire show if you pre-register before 6 p.m. the day before the show. Exhibition classes offered for $5 per class. For more information or to register call 435-637-0411.
Senior Beginners Line Dancing
Come get a little exercise and a lot of fun. Every Thursday and learn the very basics from Kitty Larsen at 10 a.m. at the Castle Dale Senior Center. The class is free. Call 381-2422.
Farm Service Agency
Nominations for candidates to run for the Farm Service Agency county committee election will be accepted until Aug. 1. Ballots will be mailed to eligible voters by Nov. 3 and ballots must be returned by Dec. 4 to the FSA county office. New committee members and alternates will be installed on Jan. 1, 2007.
Send a CD to a Soldier
The Armed Services YMCA in collaboration with Music for a Cause are asking to remember the soldiers and send them a CD. Go to www.sendacdtoasoldier.com
Ferron Area Pictures Needed
Pictures of the Ferron area showing early farming activities prior to the irrigation systems going in, farming after the projects were completed and any old pictures of the Ferron Creek area. Call Mary at 435-381-2300 ext. 101 or Wayne Urie at ext. 103 at the NRCS Field Office in Castle Dale or Ron Francis at 801-524-4557 or ron.francis@ut.usda.gov
Local Veterans Employment Representative
A local veterans employment representative visits the Castle Dale DWS Office the first Wednesday of each month. Appointments can also be arranged on other days by contacting Steve Wilkinson (LVER) at (435) 636-2343. The LVER is also available Monday through Friday at Department of Workforce Services, 475 West Price River Drive, for questions about VA benefits, assistance with VA applications, employment assistance and other veterans issues. If you have questions about your benefits or eligibility for benefits, contact Steve Wilkinson (LVER) at 636-2343.
Navy Log
A Navy Log is the permanent public registry where sea service members and veterans can record their service information. To enroll your information or family members go to www.lonesailor.org
Narconon is a nonprofit public benefit organization that specializes in helping people with drug or alcohol addictions offers FREE professional assessments, advice and referrals to more than 11,000 treatment centers nationally. Drug addiction can be overcome and Narconon can help by calling (800) 556-8885 or visit www.drugrehab.net
Habitat For Humanity
Habitat For Humanity of Castle Country, an affiliate of Carbon and Emery counties, is building a wheelchair accessible house in Castle Dale. Send your donations (large or small) to help finish the roof and buy shingles to HHCC, P.O. Box 724, Price, UT 84501. You can: volunteer for workdays, attend board meetings, save aluminum cans, get on our mailing list, help sponsor a fund raiser, or get an application by calling Katherine Foster, President, 650-0074 or Sylvia Nelson, 435-687-9184 (leave a message) or you can pick up HFHI information at the Castle Dale RSVP/VOA office.
Stitches from the Heart
Stitches from the Heart needs volunteers to knit, crochet or quilt blankets, sweaters and hats for babies in need. These items are donated to hospitals all over the country. Patterns are available. Donated yarn desperately needed for seniors and childrens knitting programs. Contact Kathy Silverton at 1-866-472-6903 or e-mail at StitchFromHeart@aol.com.
Quilts of Valor
Quilts of Valor, a program that provides quilts to each injured serviceman or woman, is being organized in Emery County. This program needs funds and interested people to help with making the quilts. For more information contact Hazel McMullin at 653-2246, Michelle Anderson at 687-9445, or Reva Fillmore at 687-2649.
Muscular Dystrophy Volunteers
The Muscular Dystrophy Association is looking for volunteers for their 2006 summer camp program. Volunteer counselors are needed to help young people with neuromuscular diseases. For more information call 800-572-1717 or www.mdausa.org/clinics/camp/index.cfm.
Free Legal Clinic
Every second and fourth Monday from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. a free legal clinic will be held at the Price Court House. Call Utah Legal Services at 1-800-662-1563 to set up an appointment.
LDS 12-step meeting
LDS 12-step meeting is every Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the Delta Seminary. Everyone is welcome.
MS Support Group
The MS support group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at South Eastern Utah District. Health Dept., 28 South 100 East, Price. Family members and caregivers are welcome too. Wheelchair accessible.
Tip Line for Drug Violations
A tip line has been introduced in Emery County. The Emery County drug task force is requesting help from the residents to report any suspicious drug activity. The number is 381-2888, and all callers will remain anonymous. It is very important for citizens to be actively involved in helping remove drugs users and pushers from Emery County.
Operation Home Support
To donate to Operation Home Support, a program to send packages to local soldiers stationed overseas, contact Jan Hess, 384-2753. Donations can be mailed to American Legion Auxiliary #42, P.O. Box 209. Ferron, Ut. 84523.
Project ChildSafe
Project ChildSafe, sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation will be distributing free gun locks throughout Emery County. Members of the community may call their local law enforcement agency for information on how to obtain a free gun lock.
Help for Addictions
Drug addictions can leave an individual feeling helpless and out of control, especially if you are the family member or friend of an addict. Narconon Arrowhead can help. Narconon offers free counseling, assessments and referrals to rehabilitation centers nationwide by calling 1-800-468-6933 or logging onto www.stopaddiction.com. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Call Narconon now.
Support Group for Parents
Grief support group for parents who have lost a child will be held Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the classroom at Castleview Hospital, 300 North Hospital Drive, Price. For more information contact 637-4800, ext. #4018 or 820-0287.
Power Wheelchairs
The Three Wishes Inc. Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-817-1871.
CASA Volunteers Needed
Each year hundreds of children in Emery and Carbon counties become wards of the juvenile court system due to child abuse, neglect or abandonment. The child welfare system can only devote so much time and attention to each individual case and, consequently, to each individual child. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteers are ordinary men and women who find it in their hearts and their schedules to help these abused and neglected children. Those interested in volunteering should contact Kerrie, the CASA coordinator at 435-381-5595.
Angels Have Wheels
All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. For information on Medicare eligibility contact Gregory at 1-800-810-2877.
Help With Inhalers
The in home Rx programs makes available breathing medications and nebulizers to patients who may have asthma, emphysema or COPD at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-344-5764 or visit the website www.inhomerx.com for more information on the details of this program.
Senior Mobility
The Senior Mobility Program makes available to senior citizens and the permanently disabled, power electric wheelchairs at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-451-0971 to see if you qualify.
Utah Valley Cancer Center
Utah Valley Cancer Center, located at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center has a new toll-free phone number. Anyone can call 1-866-549-3800 to schedule an appointment, get information about local cancer support groups or to find out more about IHC cancer services and physicians. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Power Wheelchairs
The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-246-6010.
Free Wheelchairs to the Disabled
The Wheelchair Foundation, Intermountain Healthcare, and the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation are partnering to distribute free wheelchairs to disabled Utahns. Persons interested in getting a free wheelchair can call 1-877-387-3839, or apply at www.wheelchairfoundation.org/utah
Salvation Army
Donations are needed from Emery County residents to the Emery Chapter of the Salvation Army which provides emergency assistance for the people of Emery County as well as people traveling through the area. Mail donations to the Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 281, Green River, Utah 84525 or Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 817, Castle Dale, Utah 84513. For information, contact Cheryl Keener at 435-564-3432.
Union Local 6363
Attention, union meeting for local 6363 will be held the third Wednesday of every month at the District 22 office in Price. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m.
Girl Scout Leaders Needed
Girl Scouts need leaders in Emery County. Call Nina Green at 800-678-7809 to volunteer.