Doralie Wright, of Orangeville Youth Council, serves some of the many patrons at the lamb fry. |
Fair time is here and the Youth Leadership Council is excited about taking on a new adventure this year in sponsoring the lamb fry for the fair/pageant dinner. This is an opportunity for our youth to be involved in helping build the foundation of great leadership service. The fundraising project will help benefit our Youth Leadership Summit on Sept. 23.
Our leadership summit has been a great success for the past two years and has grown in leaps and bounds for the youth. This year we would like to see even more youth involved and in order to keep costs down for the youth we are sponsoring the lamb fry so that we can raise the funds to make the summit a great experience for the youth in our county and for those in surrounding counties. The summit brings leadership qualities and opportunities to the youth that make them stronger. They are also involved in service projects in which they have helped a young man finish an Eagle Scout project and one where 10,000 pounds of food and clothing were gathered and given to the food bank. This year we will coordinate a humanitarian project for residents of Zimbabwe. Only good comes from youth working together and learning together.
The lamb fry will be held on Aug. 3-5 and Aug. 8-12 in conjunction with the Emery County Fair and the Castle Valley Pageant from 5-8 p.m. We encourage all to attend and enjoy a meal to be remembered and also keep the thought that you are supporting the youth in our county and helping them become all that they can become by “Standing Tall and Soaring High.” This is an opportunity for growth in our youth and for leadership skills to come out and help our youth of today be leaders of tomorrow. We want the lamb fry to be a success not only for the youth but for those who help support and sponsor our youth in their activities.
Come one come all to our lamb fry dinner and enjoy good food and great company. A time to be remembered by all.