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Letter to the Editor: Freedom of press

By PAUL YOUNG St. George

In the July 18 edition of the Sun Advocate in Letters to the Editor, my old friend Walter Borla took exception to the previous letter to the editor I had submitted and was printed.
This is what is great about the freedom of democracy and the freedom of the press along with many other rights and freedoms we enjoy in this great land of America.
Walt has the right to disagree with me and I have those same rights to disagree with him and still argue and debate the same issue while still remaining old friends. And neither of us proving which one is right or the other wrong.
It goes back to the first inaugural address Thomas Jefferson said. “Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle.”
There is no way either of us can prove which one is right or which one is wrong at this time. But, if Al Gore becomes president of the United States his action will prove Mr. Borla right.
For he will be promoting what Walter is writing about. And you kind readers will suffer from his decisions.
To the readers of this column, now is the time for you to e-mail Senators Bennett and Hatch demanding they recall the Wilderness Act and the Endangered Specie Act which was promoted and pushed by the democrats, and became a vicious tool in the hands of the radical extreme environmentalists, stopping the oil and gas companies to proceed in developing and producing petroleum products making us self sustaining with petroleum commodities.

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