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USU Extension Helps with Holiday Preparations



By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

Joanne Roueche presents ideas to untangle Christmas.

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The first Festive Friday was held recently and was very well attended. The topic for the day was Untangling Christmas. Joanne Roueche from Davis County extension service was the presenter.
“Christmas is mostly a mom’s responsibility,” she said. “We want it to be extra special for our children.” She advised everyone to find their own happy medium of Christmas celebration somewhere between nothing and perfection.
Roueche demonstrated several quick and easy recipes, and displayed many homemade gift ideas. “You need to find your balance and go with it. You cannot plan too much, so plan, plan, plan,” Roueche added.
Roueche advised everyone to simplify the Christmas holidays by planning and purchasing throughout the year. Keep a notebook with everything you need to know for Christmas, gift list, everyone’s sizes, Christmas card list and grocery shopping list.
Do everything that can be done before the holiday season begins. The only thing that should be left to the last is the purchasing of the perishable food items and the food preparations.

The Flylady, Jan Myers, gives cleaning tips.

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Emery County’s own FlyLady paid a visit to Festive Friday and everyone in attendance received some great tips to “cruise” through Christmas. Jan “FlyLady” Myers and her friend Julie “Frantic Frannie” Jones entertained and informed the crowd how to keep up with the housework so you won’t be bogged down during the busy holiday season.
“The real FlyLady is Martha Cilley and she lives in North Carolina,” said Myers. “‘FLY’ stands for finally loving yourself. We all must realize that we are not perfect and we can cruise through Christmas when we learn to finally love ourselves.”
Myers taught the attendees how to do a five minute room rescue and the 27 boogie fling. She told the ladies how to spend five minutes in a room cleaning and picking up to make the room presentable. Another helpful hint to declutter a house is to do the 27 boogie fling. This consists of getting a large garbage bag and in as short a time possible, put in 27 things that you do not use. Put this bag in your trunk and do not allow anyone to retrieve any items. In a few days, take the bag to the DI, and Myers stated that it is great to wait a few days because you forget what is even in the bag, so you don’t miss it.
“Your attitude is another very important thing. You should make your housework fun and that will take the work out of it,” said Myers. She explained the FlyLady philosophy about daily routines and organizing a system for the efficient running of a home.
Myers also noted the FlyLady website, www.FlyLady.net. The website has many useful downloads and daily inspirationals. Also, a holiday control journal can be downloaded. “So, don’t clutter up your time and Bon Voyage,” concluded the FlyLady.

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