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Blake L. Jones

Blake L. Jones will celebrate his 85th birthday on April 14. He married Wilda Ann Jensen on June 8, 1942. They will celebrate 65 years in June. They have four children, LaNae (Margo), Randy (Barbra), Kelly (Wayne) Olsen, and Derk (Julie). Blake has 12 grandchildren and 12 1/2 great-grandchildren.
An open house will be held in his honor on April 14 from 6-8 p.m. at the Huntington Senior Citizen Center, 176 West 100 North, Huntington. No gifts please.

James P. Simone

James P. Simone wil be 88 on April 12. He was born in Sunnyside to Angelo and Angelina De Simone on April 12, 1919. He married Billy Lamph on May 1, 1948. His children are Mary Margaret VanSickle, Barbara Clyde, and James Simone.

Virginia Jewkes

Virginia Jewkes is celebrating her 90th birthday. Her family Jackie Zwahlen of Ferron, Jeffery and Kitty Zwahlen of Hawaii, Lonie and Marcie Zwahlen of Ferron, John and Brandy Zwahlen of Virginia, and Bernerd Zwahlen of Virginia wish her a Happy Birthday.

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