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Emery County Headstart makes improvements to program



By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

Emily Olson assists the Headstart children with their lunch.

Since its opening six months ago, HeadStart in Huntington has undergone some major changes. Corinna Shelton, the facility’s new director, said the three teacher team consists of Emily Olson, Stacy Huntington and Megan Hunsaker. The new cook is Carrie Childs. As for the school bus, the driver is Don Fancy and the bus aide is Marilyn Nelson.
“We are currently doing recruitment for the 2007-2008 year. We are wanting to open up our area. If enough children qualify from the Ferron area, we will look at getting another bus for transportation. According to HeadStart rules, students can only be on the bus for a certain amount of time. As for the time being, the teachers are going to the children in Ferron. We would like to see the children have the classroom experience,” said Shelton.
Shelton added the facility is in need of a sign, so to raise funds for this purpose, the building’s previous owner left an upright piano in the building. HeadStart is selling raffle tickets for the piano to raise funds to pay for the sign. For more information about the raffle or to inquire about enrolling your child for the 2007-2008 year, call Shelton at 687-5301 or stop in week days from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Children who are 3 or 4 years of age by Sept. 1 are eligible. The morning class has a full breakfast and lunch. The afternoon class has lunch and a generous afternoon snack.


In the above story, Corinna Shelton was incorrectly listed as the facility’s director. Shelton is the on-site coordinator and Laura Mitchell is the director. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

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