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Green River Senior Center to become a reality




Board members, Sharon Jensen, Randy Jensen and Commissioners Gary Kofford, Drew Sitterud and Jeff Horrocks look over plans for the Green River Senior Center.

After much trial and error, the Emery County Municipal Bulding Authority has acquired the land for the new Green River Senior Citizen Center. The commission has been looking for suitable property for a year now and earnest money was even put down at one point, but that didn’t work out.
The new center will be located at 150 South Green River Boulevard. This is near the golf course and the Book Cliff Elementary. The bids for the project will be let in June and if all goes well the funding for the project will come through in the August funding cycle for the Community Impact Board.
Commissioner Gary Kofford said the seniors in Green River are looking forward to the new facility which will include a full kitchen with all new appliances. A lot of meals are delivered to Green River seniors. The seniors interest and attendance has gone up since the announcement of a new center.
The MBA ratified the purchase of the land for $20,717. The title search and insurance has been handled by Jim Bartorelli and Johansen and Tuttle did the surveying of the land.
Along with the land also comes three shares of water which will reduce county watering bills on their property in Green River. Currently all watering done at county facilities has been with municipal water as the county didn’t own any shares in Green River. But, now with the three shares, the water bills will be reduced at the library and sheriff’s complex. This transfer of water shares is part of the land acquisition.
The MBA board voted to move ahead with the architectural drawings for the new senior center. The fee will be $79,000 for the designs. Ten percent is needed upfront to get started and 60 percent on completion of the construction documents and 30 percent payment at the time of bid. Any additional work beyond this will be paid on an hourly wage. Jim Dresslar is the architect for the project.
Work will begin soon bringing fill dirt to the site of the senior center.
In other MBA business, the commission will meet with Brent Tuttle at the Huntington Airport to look at the runway design on April 10 at 8 a.m.
The Emery County Care and Rehab is going to have a new air conditioner installed. A chiller has already been purchased and is awaiting installation.

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