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Letter to the Editor: Global Whining

By BOB HAIRE Bountiful

Okay, some CO2 gases are being produced by human activity. But is it potentialy the biggest cause of global whining? Consider this. Just Google precession of the Earth and read about the way our planet moves through the universe. For one thing, we are 93 million miles from the sun. If we were 95 million miles away it would be too cold to live here. If we were 91 million miles away it would be too hot to live on Earth. We are on a eliptical orbit that varies over several thousands of years.
The Earth also is inclined on its axis at 23.5 degrees. It twitches back and forth on that incline a little. Like 1.5 degrees. We are presently coming back to a more straight up position. Also the Earth wobbles like a top over a fairly short period of time (I think it is 23,000 years). That’s why our North Star is sometimes Polaris and sometimes Vega. While it wobbles it also has a wavy wobble that varies regularly also. All of this changes our incidence to the Sun (the angle it hits us). Some of these things change our distance from the sun slightly. All of this is high school science.
As you recall from high school (maybe they don’t teach it in Tennessee where Al Gore is from), some of these things are why we even have seasons. It is mostly due to the the Earth’s inclination on its axis.
You can also have solar flares that cause periods of time where the sun’s heat varies. Some scientists believe the ice caps on Mars are melting. See what I mean. What would we on Earth have to do with that?
This universe is a very complex place. I believe that God is in charge and Earth will last as long as He intends it to. I don’t believe we should pollute. I believe we should be wise stewards. But let’s not get caught up in the hysteria Al Gore is so hypocritically putting out there.
For those of you who haven’t lived through the last 50 years or have forgotten, about 30 years ago these same very smart guys and certain scientists claimed we were coming into a new ice age. Global cooling was the buzz. Europe and England were going to freeze over. We had better act now.
Do you know what was proposed by these wonderful scientists and activists? Spreading dark powder on the ice caps and Greenland to get the ice to keep melting and actually spraying dusty pollution in the upper atmosphere like volcanos do to keep the suns rays from bouncing back out away from the Earth. Think about it for a moment. Isn’t a good thing we didn’t do all these stupid things, especially since only 30 years later the cry is now global warning. My wife wants to get a bumper sticker that says, “Stop Global Whining, God is in charge.”

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