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Xto Donates Money for a Family Awareness Night at EHS




Candace Jensen from DCFS, Kisty Childs and Christy Weston representing XTO and Julie Jones, co-chair for the Healthy Family Coalition. The donation was for $500.

XTO has donated $500 to the Local Interagency Coordinating Council. The LIC began functioning with a series of grants. The planning grant was lost two years ago so the council lost its coordinator Gareldine Wright. The LIC is set up to focus on activities for youth. Including at risk youth and low income or just those in danger of falling through the cracks.
This also included disabled youth who might need extra funds to allow them to participate in the same programs as other children.
The LIC is a valuable resource to fund, but no funding was available to keep the council going. The council then decided to refocus and look for other avenues of funding to keep the programs going. One new focus is to educate families. The council is focusing on an education component. The council approves or disapproves projects for the flexible funding. One project the council has agreed to take on is the family awareness night. This is where the funds donated by XTO and other organizations come into play. This awareness night will be held on Sept. 12 at Emery High beginning at 6 p.m.
The topics for this night will include workshops on drugs, parenting, internet safety and a variety of others. A dinner will be provided. The workshops will be pertinent for a variety of age groups. The council is also planning a nursery for the small children so parents will be able to attend the workshops while their children are being watched.
Emery High students will also be able to earn extra credit for attending the awareness night.
The council estimated they would need $2,000 for the event and they have raised $1,500 to date. If anyone would like to donate to the event they can contact Delena Fish at the Workforce Services at 381-6100.
Boni Seal and Julie Jones are the co-chairs for the Emery County Healthy Families Coalition.
They hope to involve a number of volunteers in pulling this event together.
If you are interested in helping you can contact the co-chairs at 687-9744.

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