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Cleveland Town swears in new youth council



By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

New Cleveland youth mayors take the oath of office. Kirsa Merrell, Trevor Rowley, Billie Jean Reed and Madison Jensen will act as co-mayors for this year. Jamie Jensen is their advisor.

At the April meeting of the Cleveland Town Council, the youth city council was sworn in to office. Madison Jensen, Trevor Rowley, Billie Jean Reed and Kirsa Merrell will act as co-mayors for this year. Jamie Jensen is the advisor of the group.
Cleveland and Elmo towns combine in the youth city council effort. The youth council is active in the events of the cities where they have helped with the Easter egg hunts, the fund raising car washes, and the lamb fry which is held during the Castle Valley Pageant each year.
Mayor Chris Parkins led the discussion concerning the water situation this year. “The water is low enough this year to be a concern at the beginning of the season. We will start off with restrictions. Most drainages in the area are at 20 percent of normal or lower. Irrigators are being allocated one-third allotments,” said Mayor Parkins.
The city has sent cards to each residence explaining the secondary watering schedule. Residents may water between the hours of 6-10 a.m. or 6-10 p.m. but not both. It is very important to follow the restrictions now in order to ensure there is enough water to get through the summer. If there is not enough conservation, it is possible the secondary system could be shut off for a period of time.
Failure to comply with the restrictions will result in the secondary water being valved off. After May 1, all unpaid secondary connections will also be valved off. Following the first reading of the meters, more restrictions may be forthcoming.
Mayor Parkins announced he has been researching sources for funding for the sidewalk projects. The State doesn’t have the amount of funding as in the past. Cleveland has put in for the Safe Pedestrian program which will help with funding. Mayor Parkins and Richard Murdoch attended a conference in St. George where they learned that 3M Company has a program which helps with safe access to schools. They are also doing research into this program.
The next meeting for Cleveland Town Council will be held May 10 at 7 p.m. in the town hall.

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