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DWR Update and Commissioners Discuss Museum Roof Project

By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

Rick Larsen of the Division of Wildlife Resources spoke to the Emery County Commissioners recently. “This is my first time here at commission meeting and I am glad to be here. When Derris Jones retired, the state asked me to fill in for his position,” said Larsen.
“I am originally from back East and I came to Utah in 1981 as a fisheries biologist. I am a Vietnam combat veteran. I really love it here in Utah,” added Larsen.
Larsen went on to say that he has worked in Flaming Gorge and in the State DWR office in Salt Lake City. He reported on the Migratory Bird Day held recently in Emery County. “We had low attendance and feel that the cold blustery day didn’t help much,” said Larsen. “We are working on the Ferron fishing ponds. The project is funded but we may request some help from Emery County with engineering some items. These ponds will be an asset to the area, not only for the young people, but we have found these types of fishing ponds help the senior citizens in the area also. We are hoping to begin the construction in September.”
During the citizen concerns portion of the commission meeting, the question was asked concerning the recent auction of county surplus items. Commissioner Gary Kofford stated the auction was well attended, all items were sold and the county received about $58,000.
The decision was made by the commissioners to begin the project to repair the roof at the Museum of the San Rafael. As a result of the roof design and the failure of a heat tape, during the winter, ice built up and when it thawed, water ran into the building and down the walls, doing quite a bit of damage.
Stilson Construction was the only company to come to the showing of the project. Commissioner Jeff Horrocks stated the construction company bid $146, 317 to do the project. The project will consist of the construction of a new roof over the opening in the roof where the initial leak occurred. The project also calls for the installation of new rain gutters which will redirect all the drainage to the outside edges of the existing roof.
Commissioner Drew Sitterud announced the repair work to the inside of the museum will be completed at a later date, following the repair work to the roof. He stated the building inspector has been apprised of these actions and has approved the work to be completed.
The commissioner reappointed Dean King, Bevan Wilson and Kent Petersen to Emery County Special Service District #1. There were three openings, and these three, who are already on the board, and reapplied to retain their seats.
Owen Olsen was approved to be hired as a part time maintenance person for the libraries in the county. He will be provided with a vehicle and provide the upkeep on all of the libraries. Casey Jo Reid was hired as a part time janitor for the Castle Dale Library.
Commissioner Horrocks announced seven contractors attended the site showing of the next phase of the Moore Road project. The bids are being accepted now by the Utah Department of Transportation and will be opened on May 31. Following the opening of the bids, the engineer Johansen and Tuttle, will be notified, along with the special service district.

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