AriAnn Fry
Ren Hatt
Royd and Toni Hatt announce the marriage of their son Ren to AriAnn Fry, the daughter of Sandy Fry and Daniel Fry, Sept. 13 in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.
A reception will be held in their honor that evening from 6-8 p.m. at The Bungalow in Pleasant Grove.
The couple will make their home in Orem where Ren will continue his education and AriAnn will continue her work at Alpine Pediatrics.
Mandy Kelly Maxwell
Jacob Adan Ibanez
Richard and Sherry Maxwell announce the marriage of their daughter Mandy Kelly to Jacob Adan Ibanez son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Ibanez. A ceremony will be held in their honor on Sept. 15 in Huntington from 5-9 p.m..
Tamara Dawn Axelsen
Matthew John Pantelakis
Pat and Trudy Axelsen announce the marriage of their daughter Tamara Dawn Axelsen to Matthew John Pantelakis, the son of John Pantelakis and Shawnee Clarke.
Tamara and Matthew will be married Sept. 15 at Holiday Inn. A reception and dancing will follow.
The couple will make their home in Price where Tamara works at College of Eastern Utah and Matthew is employed at Burrell Mining Products as a welder.