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Emery girls blow out 3 of 4 opponents



By GARY ARRINGTON Sports writer

Meagan Pearson heads for the hoop after a steal.

Lady Spartans win 3 of 4 in blowouts

It was a week of blowouts for the Emery High Lady Spartans as they won three of four ball games by over 30 points each. They also suffered one loss on their southern road trip as Dixie regrouped in the final quarter of their game to sneak out a win to claim revenge for last season’s loss to Emery in the state championship game.
Emery started the week with a 58-22 win at home over the Uintah Utes, started the three-game southern road trip with a 55-25 win at Pine View and concluded the road trip with 58-27 win at Cedar. Emery lost the middle game of the road trip 49-47 to Dixie High.
Against Dixie, Emery led after each of the first three quarters. They led 14-8 after the first, 25-20 at the half and 37-30 after three quarters. The Dixie press got to the Lady Spartans in that final period and Dixie outscored the Spartans 19-10 to eke out the win. Now I, or the coaching staff, would never want to say that officials assisted in a win but if we ever wanted to, this game would be a good example of them doing so.
Emery had the lead and the ball and Dixie decided to press full court. In all that pressing, Dixie only fouled two times as they cleanly stole the ball while Emery players were laying on the floor. In fact, not only did Dixie not foul, Emery who did not want to foul, fouled Dixie 12 times in the second half, with 8 of those coming in the final period. Dixie made five of nine free throws in that quarter while the Spartans did not even shoot one.
Michonne Robertson led the Spartans with 12 points including 8 of 8 at the free throw line. Cousin Jodi Robertson scored 11 points and was the only other Spartan to shoot a free throw, making 1 of 2. Meagan Pearson scored 9 points, Frankie Komar 5 points, ShiAnne Allred and Caitlin Hansen 4 points each and Lacey Montgomery scored 2 points.
Against Uintah, Emery started slowly but gradually picked up steam and won big. After leading 12-6 at the end of the first quarter, Emery outscored Uintah 18-4 in the second period, 12-4 in the third period and 16-8 in the final period.
Jodi Robertson led the team with 12 points and reserve Lacey Montgomery scored 11 second half points. Frankie Komar finished with 10 points, Sierra Bridgewater scored 7 points, Michonne and Meagan each had 6 points and Tiffany Tuttle and Jenni Stinson each scored 3 points. Junior ShiAnne Allred saw action for the first time this season as she returns from a knee injury.
Against Pine View, Emery used a big final period to get the lopsided victory but actually led throughout the game. They led 9-4 after one period, 24-13 at the half, 32-20 after three and then outscored Pine View 23-5 in that final period.
Jodi again led the team with 13 points, with 9 of those coming in the final period. Michonne scored 9 points while Meagan, Sierra and Abbie Kay each scored 5 points. Jenni and ShiAnne each scored 4 points while Adriane Weihing and Lacey Montgomery each scored 3 points. Frankie and Caitlin each scored 2 points.
Closing out the three-day road trip at Cedar saw Emery take the lead at the beginning of the game and easily maintain it throughout the game. Cedar, after scoring 19 first half points, was held to only 5 points in the third quarter and 3 points in the final quarter. Emery scored 17 points in each of the first two periods, 10 in the third quarter and closed the game with a 14-point quarter.
Meagan was leading scorer in this game with 15 points including 3 three-pointers. Michonne scored 13 points to also finish in double figures. Also scoring in the game were Jodi with 9 points, Lacey with 7 points, Frankie with 6 points, Caitlin with 4 points, ShiAnne with 3 points and Jenni with 1 point.
In the four games, Michonne was 23 for 25 at the free throw line. The rest of the team over those same four games was 26 for 58.
The schedule does not get any easier this week as undefeated Grantsville comes to town on Tuesday night and number 1 ranked Wasatch comes to town on Thursday night. Wasatch returns all their players from last season’s fourth best team.

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