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Elder Waddoups

Allen Jay Waddoups just returned home from serving a full-time mission in the Washington DC South mission. He is the son of Jay and Trudie Waddoups of Clawson, the grandson of Dareen Clement of Clawson and Verl and the late Norma Waddoups of Blackfoot, Idaho. He will be speaking in the Blue Hills Ward in Ferron on Jan. 20 at 9 a.m.

Elder Stoddard

Elder Luke Dean Stoddard has been called to serve in the Fiji Suva Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Stoddard will speak in the Huntington First Ward, 115 South 400 East, on Jan. 20 at 11 a.m. He will enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo on Jan. 23.
Elder Stoddard is the son of Willie and Patsy Stoddard of Huntington. He is the grandson of Leonilla Terry of Tooele.

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