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Millsite back nine moving along



By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

Mark Guymon from the Emery High golf team putts on number four hole on the front nine. Construction of the back nine is expected to begin by July.

Brian Barton, representing Jones and DeMille Engineering, was on hand at the recent Ferron City Council meeting to present the contract for the Millsite Golf Course project. In light of the recent Permanent Community Impact Board award to Ferron City for 71 percent of the funds to do the project, the addition to Millsite will begin as soon as possible.
“This agreement is a standard agreement. We are waiting on the feasibility study’s completion. The man who was going to do the archaeology study did not get to it before the snow and now we must wait until the snow is gone for that portion to be completed. We will now enter the preliminary design phase of this project,” said Barton.
He went on to explain how the project will be done. Following the archaeology study, the findings will be entered into the permit application for the Bureau of Land Management. They will issue a permit and the project can at that point be put out for bids.
After bids come in and one is accepted, the golf course addition will enter into the construction phase. Construction will take approximately three-four months. “We are working with golf course pro and designer Kris Abbeglan and he will oversee much of the construction work with us. We are hoping to have everything in place to begin construction in July,” added Barton. The council approved to enter into the contract with Jones and DeMille Engineering.
In other business conducted by the Ferron City Council, bids were opened and accepted to sell several items of surplus equipment. A tractor and a Chevrolet S-10, along with other items were sold to the highest bidders. Several other items were not bid on and will be held for future sales.
Mayor Gil Conover announced the Castle Valley Special Service District is working on the Molen Ditch drainage project. He said they are working on rights of way and easements, and they have asked the city to make a request to the power company to move several power poles.
Mayor Conover also explained a project for the planning and zoning commission. He will ask them to review the subdivision rules for the city and look into softening those ordinances. The council approved the action.
Councilman Joe Trenery requested the council to approve a change in next year’s budget. At the present time, the EMT budget is combined with the Fire Station budget.
He requested those two budgets be separated in the next city budget. The council approved. Also approved was the purchase of a coat for each EMT.
Councilman Trenery also requested permission to purchase and install emergency lighting in the city hall building. During a power outage, the building is so dark, anyone who is in there may have a difficult time getting outside. The council approved this action.
Mayor Conover informed the council the CVSSD has requested extra time from the Emery County Commissioners for the cities to work on their ordinances in preparation for the reduced lot size in the county.
The commissioners have allowed an extra six weeks for the cities in Emery County to prepare for the revisions in the county’s building requirements in the county. CVSSD will also work on helping the cities prepare for the county ordinance change in the acreage requirement.
The next Ferron City Council meeting will be Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. at city hall.

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