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Letter to the Editor: Conservative Mormons unite – Vote for Hillary


It is obvious that Romney has been hurt by his religion. Mitt was clearly the best candidate. Among this season’s candidates it is undeniable. Aside from his charisma and intelligence, Mitt was the only candidate that attempted to unite the three Republican core factions: social, economic, and foreign policy conservatives. This union has been key to Republicans edging out narrow victories. This fact is plain to insiders such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter who have directly or indirectly endorsed Mitt.
Then we must wonder why he has done so poorly. If creditability was the issue, then why is it not an issue for McCain who has changed on numerous social issues, economic issues, and may have considered running with John Kerry? The reason Mitt’s “flip-flopper” status sticks is the subject of a famous Vanderbilt poll which indicated Mormonism, not flip-flopping was the issue. Another widely published gallop poll showed that 27 percent of Republicans would not vote for a qualified Mormon candidate, this was a number much greater than for women or African Americans. This makes Mormons the most discriminated minority in America.
Some claim that we cannot hold Huckabee or McCain accountable. In response, I point out that Huck’s official blog (whose comments are edited by campaign staff) allows remarks such as: if we elect Mitt “we might as well elect a witch.” In addition, Huck continues to refer to himself as a “Christian leader,” implying that Mitt is not, and refusing to classify Mormons as Christians. Huck, a knowledgeable Baptist minister, plays ignorant about anti-Mormon remarks concerning Christ’s brother–not to mention Huck’s supporters participating in push-polling, anti-Mormon Christmas cards, and spam e-mails. Currently, with no chance of winning, Huck continues to campaign in order to whittle away Mitt the Mormon’s voters. When asked about the frontrunner McCain, Huck twists the question into attacks on Mitt. He will soldier on until the day Mitt concedes. Ultimately, the Baptist minister would rather have a social liberal in the White House rather than a Mormon. Who benefits from this anti-Mormon campaign? The grateful McCain who is not worthy of a conservative’s vote to begin with.
So who does a conservative Utah Mormon vote for? The answer is clear, Hillary/Obama. First, there is no conservative. Second, the democrats will win. McCain, with the allure of Bob Dole, versus a Hillary/Obama ticket is no contest. Third, any margin of victory will be well beyond Utah’s five votes. So let’s do something useful. A massive protest vote will garnish national media attention, and we will use this attention to send a message that Mormons deserve more respect and less discrimination. We are Americans, and the republicans cannot rely on Utah to be their lackey anymore.
Some argue that this will show The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a political vehicle, only reaffirming evangelical fears. In that case let this sentinel article refute any affiliation to the LDS Church or Mitt Romney’s campaign. Others argue that media attention will not change minds. To this I answer that the media attention has already changed minds. As Mitt’s campaign has progressed, the polls have shown a decrease in the number of people with ill feelings toward the LDS Church.
Many minorities focus attention on their respective bigotry, and over time feelings change–nobody likes to be a bigot. One example is the Jewish people; by focusing attention to people’s bigotry over time, they have become fully accepted. When Lieberman runs for office there is no “Christian leader” running against him. It is this media attention that keeps Huck fighting Mitt. This Baptist minister knows that Mormonism in the media throughout a Mormon presidency would lead to reconciliation and decrease prejudice.
Utah unite. Like Women’s Lib or the Civil Rights Movement, we must protest prejudice. Do you want your children growing up in a country where they can’t be president? Vote for Obama/Hillary.

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