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Letter to the Editor: Support future leaders

By NED SCARLET Cleveland

Both times President Bush was elected I strongly supported him. Now, after witnessing the actions of others when our country is at war, I have constructed a few rules which I will follow.
In the future I will refrain from being publicly disrespectful of a president. In wartime, I will not hope for failure so my party can regain political power. I will not support a president who quits a war for the sake of popular opinion. I will not support a president if we are repeatedly attacked and he does not take appropriate action. If I oppose a war, it will last until our blood is shed, then opposition will stop. It is a good thing to criticize the conduct of a war, but criticisms should be geared towards victory.
President Bush is commander in chief of our armed forces. Many members of the opposing party have tried to defeat him politically by facilitating and hoping for failure in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Wars, many of them voted to finance and wage. I have learned from this selfish performance. Just as I support the current war and president, I will be just as resolute in support of a future president from an opposing party.

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