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SEUOHV Club Poker Ride

The SouthEastern Utah Off Highway Vehicle Club will host its annual Swell Cure for Cabin Fever Poker Ride on April 12. Follow the signs east of Castle Dale. Registration begins at 9 a.m.

ATV Permit Class

An ATV permit class will be held April 16 at the old Courthouse building beginning at 7 p.m. for ages 8-16 to be legal to drive on public lands. You must pre-register at the Emery County Recreation office located at 75 South 499 East, Castle Dale, by April 14. For more information contact Emery County Recreation at 381-2108 or Mark Williams at 381-2493.

Huntington Lions News Report

The Huntington Lions Yard Sale is April 26 at the Huntington City Park from 10am to 4pm. The Old City Hall will be open Friday night if you want to bring things for the Yard sale. The Hall will be open from 5-7 pm. Remember when you’re cleaning, think of the Relay for Life and the love ones that have had cancer and the ones we lost. See you at the yard sale.

OHV Poker Ride in Price

The Castle Country OHV Association and Castleview Hospital will host the second annual Relay for Life, Town and Country poker ride on May 3. Registration is from 9-10 a.m. at the County Recreation building parking lot, 393 Fairgrounds Road. An OHV training class will be held for children 8-16 at 9 a.m. with pre-registration due by April 25. Call 1-800-OHV-RIDE to pre-register. A dinner fund raiser will be held following the ride at the Fairgrounds building at 3 p.m. All proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Motorcycles and side-by-sides welcome.

Open House in Elmo

Elmo Town Council will host an open house for their new town hall, April 12 from 5-7 p.m. The public is welcome.

3-D Archery Shoot

A 3-D archery shoot, sponsored by the Buckhorn Archers, will be held at Bear Creek Campground on April 26. Sign-ups begin at 10 a.m with warm ups at 9 a.m. Everyone who shoots will be entered into a drawing for a Bear Done Deal bow. For more information contact Randy at 435-749-3393 or Carl at 435-749-9229.

Emery County Babe Ruth Baseball Sign Ups

Sign-ups for Babe Ruth baseball, ages 13-15 will be held April 3 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Rec Center in Castle Dale. Bring a copy of your birth certificate. Cost: $65. Any questions, contact Mark Tanner 748-5522.

CEU To Host Reading With Richard Shelton April 2

The reading is free and will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre in the SAC, and they welcome members of the community to attend. An opportunity to meet and speak with Mr. Shelton will follow immediately after the reading. Refreshments will be served.

Carbon High Class of 1998

Carbon High Class of ’98 10 year reunion will be held June 14. If you are (or know) a member of this graduating class, please e-mail your contact information to chsclassof98@live.com or contact Melinda (Brady) Curtis at 801-971-7291.

Orangeville City Sponsors “Paint the Town”

Orangeville City is encouraging all citizens to participate in Paint the Town. Citizens are invited to clean up their yards and home during the months of April and May. If your home is in need of a new paint job come by the city office and pick up the information, go to Jones Ace Hardware, and receive $3 off each gallon of outside house paint. Return the required information to the City Hall and receive an additional $3 rebate for each gallon of paint. Help make Orangeville City a “Pretty Little Place” to live, work and play.

Underage Drinking Prevention Town Meeting

A town hall meeting will be held to address underage drinking. Four Corners Behavioral Health will sponsor this town meeting on April 3 at 7 p.m. in the Little Theater at Emery High School. Verne Larsen of the Utah Board of Education will speak along with a representative from the Emery County Sheriff’s Office. This meeting is to inform everyone of the harmful affects of underage drinking. Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend.

Festive Fridays Date Change

Festive Fridays, sponsored by Utah State University Extension will be held, April 18-Lotions and Potions, which will require an added $15 for the kit; and May 9-Family Reunions and Picnics. Note, the May date is a change from May 2. All classes begin at noon upstairs in the courthouse on Main Street in Castle Dale. RSVP to the extension office at 381-2381. Each class will cost $2 for lunch and handouts. Lots of ideas for spring and summer fun.

Can You Hear What I Hear

The UMWA Health and Retirement Funds along with Dr. Ryan Hanson will be holding free hearing clinics for our beneficiaries. Dr. Hanson will provide hearing exams, cleaning of hearing aids and assessment of hearing aids for needed repair and/or replacement. The hearing clinics will be at the following locations: Price UMWA Union Hall, 525 East 100 South, April 22 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cleveland Town Office, 100 West Main, April 23 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; East Carbon Senior Center, 451 Denver Avenue, April 24 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Community Nursing, 45 West Main, Castle Dale, April 28 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For more information contact Juanita Elliott at 435-650-3479.

Business Workshops By BEAR

The Business Expansion and Retention center is offering four business workshops for employers in the area. These workshops are a direct result of the BEAR interviews that many of you participated in during the past year. There is a seminar on Marketing on April 1, 8, 15, and 22 at 6:30 p.m.; Owning a Small Business (with relatives), April 2 at 6:30 p.m.; Customer Service Training, April 3, 10 and 17 at 6:30 p.m.; and Construction Law Do’s and Don’ts, April 23 and 30 at 6:30 p.m. There are fees for each seminar and each will be held at the Business Technical Assistance Center, 375 South Carbon Avenue in Price. Call for more information or to register 381-6108 or 381-6100.

Free Blood Pressure Clinics for Emery County

The UMWA Health and Retirement Funds, along with Community Nursing Services will hold the following free blood pressure clinics throughout the month of April. Mark the calendar for the day the clinic will be in your area. Castle Dale Senior Center, 85 North 200 East, April 1 from 11:15 a.m.-noon; Huntington Senior Center, 176 West 100 North, April 7 from 11:15-noon; Ferron Senior Center, 190 North 300 West, April 14 from 11:15 a.m.-noon; and Cleveland Town office, 100 West Main, April 15 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information concerning the clinics, call Juanita Elliott at 435-650-3479.

Utah’s Young Humanitarian

If you are a young person who strives to serve your community, a $5,000 college scholarship might be the reward you never expected for your efforts. For more information visit www.youthlinc.org or contact the YouthLinc office at 801-467-4417.

Grant Writing Workshop

The Grant Institute Grants 101 is an intensive and detailed introduction to the process, structure and skill of professional grant writing. This workshop will be held in Salt Lake City May 12-14. For more information visit www.thegrantinstitute.com or call 888-824-4424.

AARP Driver Safety Program

AARP and Emery County will conduct a driver safety program April 8-9 from 1-5 p.m. at the Emery County Courthouse on Main Street. This course is newly revised and updated. It is for drivers over 50 years of age. There are no tests given and additional incentives for taking the class may be offered through your insurance carrier. Cost is $10. To register contact Mary Huntington at 381-2307.

Tax Rebate Checks for Seniors

To help clear up some confusion for seniors, Mark Justice gives this advice. The IRS will be sending economic stimulus rebate checks to qualifying persons this year. To qualify to receive that money, a person must file an income tax return. If you don’t normally file because you are not required, his office will file your return at no charge. To do so you need to have your pension, social security, interest and dividend statements available. Call for an appointment 435-687-2403.

Emery County Relay For Life March Madness

Come join us and get “Animated for a Cure”. You can now register your 2008 team at http://www.events.cancer.org/emerycounty. We will be offering a $50 discount to all teams registering through April 3. Use the coupon code purple. If you would like to register in person call Claudia Kenney at 748-2127. Usual registration fee is $100 now through April register for only $50. Questions call: Kristi Rasmussen, Emery County Relay For Life Chair American Cancer Society, Great West Division 435-653-2471 or 435-749-2533. For cancer information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, call 1-800-227-2345 or visit our website at www.cancer.org.

Bookcliff Historical Society Open House

Bookcliff Historical Society will hold an open house on April 12 at the newly acquired building located on Whitmore Drive next to Shepherd’s Video in East Carbon. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy historical photos and other items depicting the early days of East Carbon/Sunnyside/Columbia area. Door prizes and refreshments. For more information contact Brenda at 435-888-2425.

Emery Little League Wrestling

The Emery County little league wrestling tournament will be held April 3. Warm up at 4:30 p.m. and wrestling begins at 5 p.m. with awards and medals about 7 p.m. Parents, remember to stay off the floor to coach and to stay in the bleachers so that everyone can watch the wrestlers. Plan on staying for pictures after the awards.

Utah Humanities Council seeks Nominations to Board of Directors

The Utah Humanities Council, an independent nonprofit organization that supports cultural and educational activities throughout the state is seeking nominations to fill three open seats from the general public on its volunteer Board of Directors. Both self- and third-party nominations are welcome. A nomination form is available on the UHC website (_www.utahhumanities.org _) or by mail or phone request: Nominations, UHC, 202 West 300 North, SLC, UT 84103; 801-359-9670.

Food Handler’s Classes

Food handler’s classes will be held at the SEUDHD, 25 West Main, Castle Dale on the following dates: April 17, May 22, and June 19. Classes will be held at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. For more information call 381-2252.

Miss Emery Pageant

If you are a girl between ages 17-24, this includes girls who are juniors now or seniors and college age girls. This is a scholarship pageant and the winner receives a new computer and a $1,000 scholarship, first runner-up $700 scholarship and second attendant, $500. Pageant will be on July 19 at Emery High auditorium. If you are interested in being a contestant contact Leslie at the commission office at 381-2119, Jarilyn at 381-5677 or the Emery County Progress at 381-2431.

Little Miss Emery

The search is on for the Little Miss Emery who will accompany Miss Emery to the Miss Utah pageant in July. The Little Miss Pageant will be on May 31 at the Huntington Elementary at 6 p.m. Girls between the ages of 5-8 are welcome to try out. They will write a poem entitled “Why I love Emery County,” they will perform a two minute talent number and on-stage question and evening wear. The cost for registration is $40. This pageant is used as a fund raiser to help send Miss Emery to Miss Utah. The Little Miss will win a Miss Utah packet which includes, crown, dress to wear to the pageant, T-shirt and other prizes. If you are interested in participating in this pageant call Leslie at the commission office at 381-2119, Jarilyn at 381-5677 or the Emery County Progress at 381-2431 to sign up.

Huntington First Ward Spring Out activity

On April 12 at 5 p.m. the Huntington First Ward will hold a “Spring Out” activity. There will be basketball, treasure hunt, volleyball, horseshoes and a quilt to work on. Bring a potluck item to share a dessert or salad. The main dish of hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. The activity will be held at the pavilion of the Huntington First/Fifth ward. Everyone welcome.

Commodities Cooking Classes

Emery County Courthouse, 75 East Main Street in Castle Dale, from 9 a.m.-noon on the following days: April 16, May 21; and June 18.

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