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Cleveland Town prepares for new sidewalks


The sidewalk contract was awarded at the April Cleveland City Council meeting. Two bids were received and the low bid by Wilson Concrete from Price was approved. The contract is for 10,000 linear feet of cement for sidewalk. Wilson bid $18 per foot. Cleveland received a grant from the PCIB for this sidewalk project. According to the contract Wilson will have 10 days to start the project. Wilson said that was fine and he would begin the project and he has some prior obligations to complete also.
The town will again plant flowers in the pots along Main Street, they are looking for someone to water these plants.
The council looked at the ordinance to govern utilities on rental property. The property owners will be responsible for utilities if the renter defaults. The rental property owners must sign a service agreement. Cleveland was instructed by the city attorney to follow the procedures to have an ordinance approved. The ordinance will affect all current rentals and future rentals. One of the penalties for nonpayment of water fees will be to have the water connection disconnected.
City clerk, Jamie Jensen reminded everyone that CNS Nursing is doing a blood pressure clinic every third Tuesday of the month from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and this free service is open to everyone. Other tests performed include: blood sugar and pulse. A hearing clinic will also be held.
Mayor Chris Parkins said they attended the conference for the League of Cities and Towns in St. George. He said there was a lot of good information at the conference. He attended a meeting on the new laws concerning public meetings and changes for the coming year. Council member Richard Murdoch also attended the conference and he said he was impressed by the motivational speakers and wondered if at some point they might invite them to speak in the county.
The health department is offering to city workers an emergency supply of tamiflu for their exclusive use in the event of a pandemic. This tamiflu has a seven year lifespan and is available for a fee of $20 per individual. This is being offered for city workers, law enforcement, EMS, and public utility workers to keep them safe so they can still do their jobs in the event of an emergency. Cleveland City will evaluate how much they need and how many individuals to cover and make a request to the health department.
Cleveland paid their franchise fees of $73 for the Cal Ripken league. Cleveland has two rookie teams along with one minor and one major league.
The city checked on the price of the red dirt for the ball fields and it would cost approximately $6,000 per ball field. The city doesn’t have the funds available right now for this dirt. Council member Greg Oliver suggested any work on the ball fields be done in the fall. It’s too hard to work on them in the spring with the late winter we had and the fact that baseball season has resumed and the fields are in use now. Murdoch said he has talked to Nielson Construction and they would be willing to bring the red dirt on a back haul, which would be cheaper for the town. The council will look into it and make a decision at a later time.
Jensen said they are looking at turning past due water bills over to a collection agency or a small claims court. Cleveland will send out one final notification letter with the intent made known that it will be turned over to collections if they bills aren’t paid in full or arrangements made for payments. Mayor Parkins agreed with this action because allowing the bills to go uncollected would set a bad precedence for Cleveland. Jensen will also check with the city attorney to ask his advice on the best course of action.
The council looked at an amendment sent out by the Castle Valley Special Service District concerning new water connections outside city limits. The ordinance suggests each city deny these connections. The CVSSD wants annexation into a city to occur before new connections are granted. But, this brings up the issue that the CVSSD only looks at annexations every five years. April is the last month these annexations can be completed in this cycle.
Mayor Parkins said Cleveland would like to evaluate water connections on a case by case basis. He can’t see making someone wait five years until they could be annexed into the city. If the cities are to be allowed to grow then this ordinance is too restrictive. The mayor said they will need further discussion on the matter and more information and would table it for now.
Mayor Parkins complimented the Cleveland Fire Department and the fire chief, Greg Oliver on their response to recent accidents. They were involved in an extraction and also the accident involving a coal truck and a dump truck. The snuffer truck responded from Cleveland to aid in putting out the fire. Parkins said, “Greg Oliver really did a great job at these accident scenes.”
It was noted that Price has a snuffer truck, but it’s not allowed outside of city limits. The Cleveland truck responds wherever it is needed.
Oliver noted he had ordered the fireworks for the Cleveland Days celebration. The fire department is also planning car washes for fund raisers in the near future. With the FEMA grant the fire department obtained wildland fire fighting gear. The fire department recently had training with the snuffer truck. He said the county fire district is working on obtaining a new truck for each town. The towns provide the upkeep on the new trucks.
Murdoch reported the recreation district had received a portion of their mineral lease money, but the $2,500 Cleveland is supposed to get won’t be available for 60 days. He also said he would be available to help with the parade.
New street signs have been installed around the city. These new signs will help emergency services and aid visitors to the area in finding addresses.
The next Cleveland City Council meeting will be on May 8 at 7 p.m.

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