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Letter to the Editor: Economic stimulus package


To the Editor:
George Bush’s economic stimulus package will give individuals who have an income between $3,000 and $75,000 check amounts of $300 to $600, according to www.jbs.org/. Married taxpayers who earn up to $150,000 will receive $1,200. Included in this package is also a $300-per-child tax credit. According to CNNMoney.com, “The package also includes tax breaks for equipment purchases by businesses, as well as payments to disabled veterans and some senior citizens.”
Critics of the measure included congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul. In his weekly column, Paul stated: “I am in favor of taxpayers getting some of their money back, however temporary tax cuts and one-time rebates will not ‘fix’ the economy. What we desperately need right now is real deep significant tax cuts that are enabled by big spending cuts and reduction of government waste that is so rampant. Unfortunately, too many in Washington still believe we can spend our way into prosperity, which does not work and never has.”
I agree. The government is merely returning money that was ours to start with. Instead Congress should abolish the Marxist Progressive Income Tax by repealing the Sixteenth Amendment and return us to the freedom to invest in unregulated production for prosperity.

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