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Jazz Player

June 19 at 3:30 p.m. at the Emery Recreation Center a player from the Utah Jazz will be present. All kids who signed up and played in Jr. Jazz are welcome to come.

Castle Dale Summer Celebration Fun Run

Come and join the Castle Dale City summer celebration family fun run. It is a 5K course and will be held June 21 at 8 a.m. Registration is at 7:30 a.m. at the rodeo grounds pavilion. Enter the entire family, run, walk, hobble. For more information contact Rebekah at 381-2087 or Kollette at 381-2853.

Utah Cattle Women Association Beef Cook-of

The Utah Cattle Women Association and the Utah Beef Council will partner with the Utah State Fair to sponsor a beef cook-off Sept. 13. The theme is Beef For All Seasons. Two recipe categories: Anytime, Anywhere Beef dishes and Cooking With Kids. Three contestants and one alternate will be selected for each category. The Cooking With Kids category must consist of one child between the ages of 8-12 and the child’s parent or guardian. Cash prizes will be awarded. Submit recipes until July 31. Contestants will be notified by Aug. 16. For information on where to send recipes and a more detailed description of the contest rules visit www.utahbeef.org or www.utahstatefair.com.

Donation for Millsite Golf Course

Millsite Golf Course in Ferron is looking for someone to donate a good, working vacuum to the pro shop. For more information contact Jordan at 384-2887.

South East Junior Livestock Show Rabbit Show

The Southeast Junior Livestock Show Rabbit Show will be held July 11 at 5:30 p.m. Bring your rabbits and compete for fun and prizes. For more information contact Dan James at 384-3367.

Relay For Life Cancer Walk

The Relay for Life Cancer Walk will begin June 20 at 6 p.m. There will be food, fun, games, and prizes all night long. Everyone is welcome. For details call Kristi 435-653-2471. Opening ceremony starts at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. and entertainment all night long at Emery High School Track (955 North Center, Castle Dale).

San Rafael Summerfest

The San Rafael Summerfest will be held June 21 at the Castle Dale Rodeo Grounds. Wedge run relay race 8 a.m., contact Rebekah Bott 381-2087; city brunch 10-11 a.m.; car cruise, 11 a.m.; duck race 2-3 p.m., for more information contact Carl or Jenny 381-5790; 3-5 p.m. games; BBQ for a buck 5-7 p.m.; The Kid Fiddlers 6 p.m.; 7:30-8:30 p.m. kid’s rodeo; with fireworks at dark.

Emery Town Most Improved Yard Contest

Emery Town is sponsoring a Most Improved Yard contest for all Emery Town residents. Submit your before and after pictures to the town office by July 14. The winner will be announced at the Pioneer Day celebration on July 19.

Monumentally Important

Emery Town is updating the Veteran’s Memorial in the Emery Town Park. Call the Emery Town office at 286-2417 before Aug. 30 if you know of any Veterans who need to be added, deleted or changed,. The update is expected to be completed by Veteran’s Day.

Amateur Four Man Scramble

The Fourth Annual Emery County Recreation/Millsite Men’s Association Amateur 4 man scramble will be held on June 28 at 9 a.m. This will be a shotgun start. Entry fee is $50 per man which includes green fee and cart and lunch. There will be a #5 Hole in One contest courtesy of Dave Sebring of Ace Auto and Trailer Sales. Miss Emery, Karrie Johansen will also be using the golf tournament as a fund raiser. She will have three special contests at different holes. $1 donation for each hole. Miss Emery will also provide the lunch for the golfers. Call Emery Rec at 381-2108 or Jordan at the Millsite Golf Course, 384-2887 to enter your team.

Donate Books to Sheriff’s Office

The Emery County Sheriff’s Office is looking for appropriate books and magazines to be donated for the inmates to read. If you have something to donate, take the item to the Sheriff’s Office or to the Emery County Progress Office during business hours.

Miss Emery

If you are a girl between ages 17-24, this includes girls who are juniors now or seniors and college age girls. This is a scholarship pageant and the winner receives a new computer and a $1,000 scholarship, first runner-up $700 scholarship and second attendant, $500. Pageant will be on July 19 at Emery High auditorium. If you are interested in being a contestant contact Leslie at the commission office at 381-2119, Jarilyn at 381-5667 or the Emery County Progress at 381-2431.

Little Miss Emery

Contestants for the Little Miss Emery pageant are needed. Girls who will be 5-8 years old by July 1, 2009 are eligible. The winner will accompany the 2009 Miss Emery to the Miss Utah pageant. The Little Miss pageant will be held during the Emery County Fair on July 31 at 6 p.m. To register call Jarilyn at 381-5667 or the Emery County Progress at 381-2431. Contestants will perform a talent, write a poem, participate in evening wear and on stage question.

Summer Cheer Classes

A second session of cheer camp will begin July 7-30 at LaRae’s Dance Studio and Gym. Classes are for 5-18 years of age. Students will be working on tumbling, cheer skills, and stunting. Junior high and high school cheerleaders are also welcome to attend classes. For questions or to register call Becky Bunnell at 749-1582 or 687-2632.

Heritage Days Rodeo Concessions

Huntington Heritage Days will be accepting bids for the rodeo concessions June 27-28. Concessions will include the concession building as well as the Coke wagon comparable on the chute side of the arena. Minimum bid wills start at $250. Send bids to Tory Killian, Box 1248, Huntington, UT 84528.

Heritage Days Food Vendors

Huntington Heritage Days is looking for food vendors for July 4. Vendor forms are available at Wards 4×4 or Huntington City Hall. For more information call Tory Killian at 687-9458 or 687-9060.

Heritage Days Parade

Huntington Heritage Days parade would like to have your float in our parade. The cash prize for the best float is $100. Parade entry forms are available at Wards 4×4 or Huntington City Hall. For more information contact Rose at 687-2864.

Women in the Outdoors “Flockers”

Bear Creek Campground July 11-12. All ladies 14 and up are welcome to our third annual event. Must pre register. Outdoor workshops including archery, fly fishing, crafts, dutch oven cooking, GPS, canoeing, outdoor survival, mountain man, herb gardening, game calling, concealed weapons permit, and much more. Participation fee includes meals, four workshops, membership to the National Wild Turkey Federation, one year subscription to NWTF’s Women In The Outdoors magazine, camping, and tons of fun. For more information and to request a registration form call: Michelle Jensen 435-653-2552 or 435-636-6929; Brandi Ivie 435-687-9712 or 435-381-2003; Suzy/Brittany 435-749-6057 or 435-749-1547; Dondra Nance 435-637-4719 or 435-613-5243; or email at witoflockers@hotmail.com.

Relay for Life Memory Wall

Once again we will have a memory wall display at our Relay For Life event. If you have someone who lost the battle against cancer and would like to spotlight them on our memory wall, submit a short biography and photo to Da Shai Nelson, P.O. Box 789, Ferron, UT 84523. Questions, call 749-2296.

Relay for Life Cancer Walk Teams

If you would like to register a team for the Emery County Relay For Life cancer walk, call Claudia Kenney at 748-2127.

Food Handler’s Classes

Food handler’s classes will be held at the SEUDHD, 25 West Main, Castle Dale on the following dates: June 19. Classes will be held at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. For more information call 381-2252.

CSI Camp-Friday

For tweens and junior high school age student the Summer Education Camp program is offering the CSI (crime scene investigation) camp June 20. This is an opportunity to get some hands on knowledge with the professionals in our own Emery County Sheriffs Office. Log into www.emerycounty.com and on the left side of the page click on 2008 Summer Education Camps or call 381-5576 for all the registration information.

Computer Technology Camp

Send your Junior High or High School age student to the Computer Technology Camp the summer. On June 24 this camp will have both morning and afternoon sessions and offer these students a chance to refine their skills with some help from professionals. Log into www.emerycounty.com and on the left side of the page click on 2008 Summer Education Camps or call 381-5576 for all the registration information.

Cancer Survivors

The Emery County Relay For Life is asking all Cancer Survivors who would like to be honored at this years Relay to register online at www.events.cancer.org/emerycounty or call Da’Shai Nelson at 749-2296 or Kristi Rasmussen at 653-2471/749-2533.

CEU Prehistoric Museum presents Works of Shaman

Featuring Charles M. Huckeba

Artistic recreations of American Indian rock art that are masterpieces in their own right. The show can be seen at the museum art gallery through June 2008. General admission charges apply.

Moab Antique Mart

Moab’s first annual antique mart will be held on June 28 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. This event will be held in Swanny Park. For more information contact Janie at 1-719-671-1164.


To donate DVDs to veterans who otherwise do not have access to them, visit www.dvds4vets.org. For more information call Laurance at 1-914-835-3673.

Power Wheelchairs Available

The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available Power Wheelchairs to Senior Citizens and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify.

The Power Wheelchairs are provided to those who can no longer walk safely, nor self propel a manual wheelchair and who mee the additional guidelines of the program. If the patient’s need is for use in the home, please call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free 1-800-246-6010.

Anthropology 2520 Class

CEU Archaeological Field School will be held this July 14 to Aug. 1 in Range Creek Utah. Cost for the class is tuition for 3 credit hours plus $270 fee. Class instructor will be K. Renee Barlow Ph.D. For more information call 435-613-5290,

Basketball Camp

Ten Star All Star Basketball Camp is now taking applications to attend one of nine locations this summer. The camp is by invitation only and boys and girls ages 10-19 are eligible to apply. For a free brochure on these summer camps, please call 704-373-0873.

Looking for Host Families

Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange is looking for host families in the local area to host a foreign exchange student. These young ambassadors are between 15 and 18 years of age and all speak English. Student’s profiles will start arriving for students from various countries. Students come with their own spending money and medical insurance. Call Anne Ring, 1-866-462-3423 if you are interested in opening your hearts and homes to one of these individuals.

Community Representatives Needed

Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange is looking for community representatives to assist in finding host families and work with the students and their families during the school year. Individuals must enjoy teenagers and have good communication skills. Call Anne Ring, 1-866-462-3243 if you are interested in learning more about becoming a community representative.

Drug Rehab Resource

Problems with a drug or alcohol addiction in a loved one? Don’t know whom to turn to for help? Contact Drug Rehab Resource for a free confidential consultation to find the help you need. Call today 1-866-649-1594 or find out more at www.drugrehabresource.net.

Host Families

ASSE is seeking local families to host high school boys and girls from diverse countries around the world. Call 1-800-733-2773.

Host Families Needed

Open your heart and home to an international exchange student. P.I.E. urgently needs host families and area representatives. Call 1-800-828-9001.

Host Families

Foreign high school students are scheduled to arrive soon for academic semester and year home-stay programs, and the sponsoring organization needs a few more local host families. If you are interested call 1-866-546-1402.

Seniors and Disabled Struggling with Debt

The DCSD legal service is designed to help seniors and disabled people who cannot afford to hire an attorney to file for bankruptcy, but need legal representation to get collectors to stop harassing them, Call 1-800-992-3275 Ext. 1304 with any questions.

Medical Help for Children

Utah families with children in need of medical services or medical equipment needs not fully covered by health insurance can apply to the United HealthCare Children’s Foundation for up to $5,000 in medical assistance grants online at www.uhccf.org

Bible Study

Bible studies are being conducted by the Seventh-day Adventists of Emery County on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-noon at the home of Robert and Elsie Law, 1065 East 300 North (Bench Road), Ferron. Everyone is welcome to come. For more information, call 384-2424 or 384-2447.

NW Services

NW Services is seeking caring families to host high school students. Call 1-866-846-3977.

Host Families

Pacific Intercultural exchange is currently looking for host families in the local area to host a foreign exchange student from ages 15-18. For more information call 877-987-3990.

Local Veterans Employment Representative

A local veterans employment representative visits the Castle Dale DWS Office the first Wednesday of each month. Appointments can also be arranged on other days by contacting Steve Wilkinson at (435) 636-2343. The LVER is also available Monday through Friday at Department of Workforce Services, 475 West Price River Drive, for questions about VA benefits, assistance with VA applications, employment assistance and other veterans issues. If you have questions about your benefits or eligibility for benefits, contact Steve Wilkinson at 636-2343.

Power Wheelchairs

The Three Wishes Inc. Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-817-1871.

CASA Volunteers Needed

Each year hundreds of children in Emery and Carbon counties become wards of the juvenile court system due to child abuse, neglect or abandonment. The child welfare system can only devote so much time and attention to each individual case and, consequently, to each individual child. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteers are ordinary men and women who find it in their hearts and their schedules to help these abused and neglected children. Those interested in volunteering should contact Kerrie, the CASA coordinator at 435-381-5595.

Angels Have Wheels

All Medicare recipients should now be aware that if they suffer from conditions such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disorders, and have difficulty walking or propelling a standard wheelchair, they maybe eligible to receive an electric wheelchair paid for by Medicare. For information on Medicare eligibility contact Gregory at 1-800-810-2877.

Help With Inhalers

The in home Rx programs makes available breathing medications and nebulizers to patients who may have asthma, emphysema or COPD at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-344-5764 or visit the web site www.inhomerx.com for more information on the details of this program.

Senior Mobility

The Senior Mobility Program makes available to senior citizens and the permanently disabled, power electric wheelchairs at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call 1-800-451-0971 to see if you qualify.

Utah Valley Cancer Center

Utah Valley Cancer Center, located at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center has a new toll-free phone number. Anyone can call 1-866-549-3800 to schedule an appointment, get information about local cancer support groups or to find out more about IHC cancer services and physicians. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Power Wheelchairs

The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to senior citizens (65 years and older) and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. Call toll free at 1-800-246-6010.

Free Wheelchairs to the Disabled

The Wheelchair Foundation, Intermountain Healthcare, and the George S. and Dolores Dore Eccles Foundation are partnering to distribute free wheelchairs to disabled Utahns. Persons interested in getting a free wheelchair can call 1-877-387-3839, or apply at www.wheelchairfoundation.org/utah

Salvation Army

Donations are needed from Emery County residents to the Emery Chapter of the Salvation Army which provides emergency assistance for the people of Emery County as well as people traveling through the area. Mail donations to the Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 281, Green River, Utah 84525 or Emery County Sheriff’s Office, Box 817, Castle Dale, Utah 84513. For information, contact Cheryl Keener at 435-564-3432.

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