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Golfing guidelines part II: Scoring etiquette and avoiding distraction


"Golfers make sure their shadow does not interfere with a teammate's putt and give him plenty of quiet. "

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Golf is a game of concentration. Like any other game requiring some measure of skill, a players ability to concentrate on the mechanics of the game are very important. Distraction on the golf course can ruin anyone’s game.
The first etiquette rule for a round of golf is not to distract those people on your team. Secondly, a player must be aware of the other golfers on the course. You should never do anything to distract them either. Courtesy on the course means no talking, loud noises, or distracting movements when someone on your team is addressing and hitting the ball. In return, you will be given the same courtesy when it is your turn.
This same courtesy should be given to players on other teams. Sometimes on a course, holes and fairways, even greens, can be close to one another. Players and teams should be aware of those playing around them and make no unnecessary disruptions during their play also.
With the advent of cell phones and other electronic devices becoming a part of everyday life, players should be extra considerate and leave those things in the car. Many people are so acclimated to hearing the sounds, but there are always those whose concentration it will interrupt. Phones always seem to ring at the most inopportune moments, and you wouldn’t want yours going off during someone’s backswing, so just say no to cell phones on the course.
OK now, don’t think you just have to be quiet. When others are on the tee box or on the green, it is bad manners to stand behind them while they are hitting. It is also against etiquette to allow your shadow to interfere with their play or be in their putting line.
Scoring is one more of the very important facets of golf. The person who is the scorer should always verify with the player, the score before it is written down. Each player keeps their own score during the play of one hole, and the scorer will keep the scores for the entire team and round.
If you are playing in a tournament, this score sheet is what determines your standing in the final tally of scores. A player’s honesty and integrity are again brought to the forefront when scoring a game of golf. Scores should be written down and verified before the players begin play on the next hole.

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