In 1971, the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service were given the authority to manage the free roaming wild horses and burros on federal lands. Since that time, the BLM and the US Forest Service have adopted out more than 200,000 animals to private individuals.
When the animals entered into Federal protection, their numbers increased dramatically. Each year the agencies determine the number of animals, either wild or those which are placed for grazing on Federal land, and adoptions are arranged to remove the excess animals from the range.
An adoption was held in Castle Dale June 26-28 at the Castle Dale rodeo grounds. The horses and burros were brought in on Thursday and the public was welcomed to view the animals. After a gentling demonstration by Cliff Tipton of Erda on Saturday morning, the adoption of the animals was held.
To adopt a wild horse or burro, you must:
* be at least 18 years of age (parents or guardians may adopt a wild horse or burro and allow younger family members to care for the animal.);
* have no prior conviction for inhumane treatment of animals or for violations of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act;
* demonstrate that you have adequate feed, water, and facilities to provide humane care for the number of animals requested; and,
* show that you can provide a home for the adopted animal in the United States.
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