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4H-Day camp


"The harder you blow the better she sails in the boat race."

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The Utah State University Extension Services of Emery and Carbon counties held their 4-H Day Camp at Bear Creek Campground in Huntington Canyon. Their theme was “Superheroes-find the superhero in you.”
Ellen Serfustini of the Carbon County Extension said, “There was a movie called Sky High. In the movie the superhero had a disability and we wanted to teach these campers that anything is possible even for a person with a disability.”
All of the days activities were centered around superheroes and accomplishing things by working together or relying on your own capacities. In one game, the daredevil obstacle course, the participants were blindfolded and had to complete the course, sometimes as a team with another camper.
For the other games and activities, they wore earplugs, were not allowed to speak, or had one of their legs tied up. The campers got an eye opener as to what could be accomplished by a person with a disability, and how a team works. They had a rain gutter regatta, three legged races, and played card games. They also did a project centered around Lava Girl where they built volcanoes.
The craft project for the day was for the campers to make a mirror to take home. Around the mirror, they glued pinecones and decorations. Engraved on the mirror was “Who I am makes a difference.” The 4-H groups service project was to sand blocks that would be sent to orphanages.
Leaders for the day camp were: Dennis Worwood, Christine Jensen and Gaylene Gillespie of Emery County and Ron Patterson, Ellen Serfustini and Kathie Thayn of Carbon County. Thirty two campers participated in the day camp.

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