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Letter to the Editor: Relay for Life


It is exciting to hear that the Emery County Relay for Life/Cancer Walk at EHS was a record breaking success again this year. I am happy to be part of it; even for a few short hours and a few laps around the track with dear friends.
But I have a concern. Why does Carbon County and Emery County put their “Walk” on the very same night? I was not the only one asking “Why?” I have a dear cousin who lives in Price who is not only a survivor, but also has just lost her husband to cancer, and I wanted to be at the Carbon County Walk to support her, but had already commited to help at the RSVP booth for Emery County. Many more said that they, too, would have walked for both had they not been on the very same night.
Our two counties are so close in so many ways. Why can’t “we” remember when planning these events to call and ask and try not to have things on the same night or weekend? I have heard many grandparents lament that they have had a hard time knowing what to do because they had to choose between two parades, our Fair activities and International Days, and even other events as well, and have not been able to see little grandchildren performing because of this.
This is problem. It has been for years. It seems to me that it not only shouldn’t be a problem, but doesn’t need to continue to be. Is it that hard to make a call or an e-mail to say, “When is yours? Ok. We will have ours another time.”
It would be good for each county.Emery County sometimes seems to have to take second place but, hey, the road runs both ways. And so will a lot more people if they have the opportunity and don’t have to make a choice.
I appreciate the opportunity to “say my piece.” Peace can come with cooperation. Let’s just do it.

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