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Fridays are festive again


"Christine Jensen of USU Extension Service. "

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Festive Friday rides again
Utah State University Extension Service, along with Christine Jensen and Barbra Jones, has brought back Festive Fridays for the fall and holiday seasons. These Friday activities share gift and party ideas, recipes, patterns, and great food.
The first of many Festive Fridays was held recently at the county building in Castle Dale. It is held on the second floor and always begins at noon. From noon-1 p.m., lunch is served while Jensen and Jones present ideas, crafts and door prizes. The cost is $2 for lunch and all the handouts of recipes and patterns. Following the program, a large craft item is available to be made for a nominal cost.
Festive Friday on Sept. 26 was all about a western theme. The big craft item was a stick horse made from the styrofoam swimming noodles everyone plays with in the pool. Lunch consisted of Cowboy Chili, cheese and olive kabobs, cookies and punch.
To make the Cowboy Chili: brown and drain one pound ground beef. Mix together with 1 teas. salt, 2 cans of tomato sauce, 1 and 1/2 cups chopped onions, 2 teas. sugar, 4 cans undrained kidney beans, and up to 2 cups of water. Simmer this mixture for 1-2 hours. Serve with crumbled tortilla chips and top with sour cream and grated cheese.
This recipe was available at Festive Friday along with recipes for cow pie popovers, rattlesnake stew, cowboy cookies, wrangler BBQ sauce, family reunion baked beans, cowboy caviar, and rattlesnake rings. Quick and easy gift ideas included cowboy cornbread in a jar, brownies in a jar, cow pie pies, top secret chili and seasoning mix in a bag, and other Ranch recipes.
A crochet pattern was given which was a pair of crocheted cowboy boot booties. The cowboy party theme brought along ideas for a hobby horse birthday cake, western hats to make for the party goers, patterns for long johns made from socks, a levi apron pattern, and several ideas for the themed invitations.
The next Festive Friday will be held Oct. 17 and will feature all sorts of Halloween crafts, recipes, and fun ideas.

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