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A sign in the desert


"Vernell Rowley, Dottie Grimes and Evelyn Huntsman take part in the unveiling of the new informational sign at the Swinging Bridge."


There is a new sign at the San Rafael Swinging bridge site which describes the history of the bridge. Public Lands Director Ray Petersen said, “When the Historic Preservation Commission did the Swinging Bridge Restoration project where the bridge was redecked it was mentioned that it would be a good idea to have some history of the bridge there on the site for visitors to enjoy. The commission submitted an application for a matching grant from the Office of State History in 2006. The commission met with the BLM on site to make sure they were OK with what the county wanted to do. We developed a layout which used historical data that the County Archives had collected and submitted the material to Interpretive Graphics in SLC for fabrication. Emery County Road Dept fabricated the base and frame. A boy scout group from Carbon County installed a new fence on the western perimeter of the project. The BLM supplied the material and supervision for the fence. All of the labor, fence materials, and installation costs were the county’s match for the grant,” said Petersen.
On Oct. 9 the sign was officially dedicated with members of the preservation commission and the public lands council in attendance.

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