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Local junior highs collect food


"Canyon View Junior High Student Council Members sponsored the food drive. Back row: Makayla Copinga; Middle row: AJ Borba, Jace Fausett, Advisor Curt Collard, Colten Collard, Jolynn Jennings; Front Row: Jessi Jennings, Savahna Hall and Kaitlin Thomson."

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CVJH donates money and cans For Spencer’s wishes/ Food drive
Canyon View Junior High has been collecting money for Spencer’s wishes. They have collected a total number of $562.60 just during the month of November. To interest the students to donate, each grade competed against another. The ninth grade class took first place with $291.31, then eighth grade with $138.59, and seventh with $132.70. Every grade did a good job in donating; except for ninth grade the numbers were close.
Also, as a school they competed against San Rafael Junior High for the food drive. CVJH won the competition, but again it was a close count. There is not an exact number, but CVJH donated more than 150 pounds of cans.
They enjoyed the competition, and each grade put in a great effort.

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