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News from around the county: Elmo

By TINA OLIVER Staff Write

The recent meeting of the Elmo Town Council brought concern from citizens about a couple of items. The first item of concern was in regards to people living in camp trailers in town. Mayor Kirk Rasmussen stated letters had recently been sent out to the offenders informing them there is an ordinance against living in camp trailers and they needed to move out of them. He stated that if the offenders did not respond to the letters, the sheriff’s office would be called.
The second item of concern was over how much junk some people have in their yards. The council agreed this was definitely an issue that needed to be addressed. Councilperson Caleen Wilcox stated the town ordinance on this issue would need to be addressed. The council agreed to look at the current ordinance and come back next month with recommendations on what it would need to make it better.
In other business the council discussed the need for a dog catcher, the possibility of getting a skate park in Elmo and plans/problems in regards to curb and gutter. The next town meeting will be held in January in the Elmo Town Hall.

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