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Elizabeth and Dorr Hanson


"Elizabeth and Dorr Hanson"

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Dorr Williams Hanson and Mary Elizabeth Mathis were married 70 years ago on Dec. 19, 1938, in the Salt Lake Temple. They are the parents of eight children, and have 51 grandchildren and 41 great-grandchildren. As longtime residents of Huntington, for 43 years, Dorr and Elizabeth have distinguished themselves through years of devoted service to family, church, community, and twice received the recognition of “Outstanding Citizens” by Heritage Days and Emery County.
An open house in their honor will be hosted by their children on Dec. 21, at the residence of Dorr and Elizabeth, 389 North 100 East, in Huntington, from 4-6 p.m. Family and friends are welcomed to join in honoring this beloved couple.

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