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Recreation district looks ahead to programs


The Emery County Recreation Board voted to make the standard donation to the Emery All-Star Cheerleading group to help with expenses to go to the Nationals in California. This involves 16 boys and girls from around the county.
Troy Winter addressed the board on the forming of a co-ed soccer team for spring with junior high age players. The recreation district would handle the sign-ups like they do for other sports. The team would travel to play teams in Carbon, Green River and Moab.
Last year there were two teams from this age group. They would need a jersey, socks and shorts for their uniforms. Winter said he has some people interested in certifying so they can officiate at the games. This will be a recreation district program for now.
Winter said he has talked to the administrators at the school district, but it’s not feasible for them to take on another program right now with the current budget restraints. The spring soccer program would fall under the current guidelines for the fall soccer program. Two teams will be fielded one from the north and one from the south. Carbon has three teams that want to participate.
Kalynn Fail said Green River teams play in Moab all the time so travel for them is a given.
In the Utah High School Athletics Association the boys play in the spring and the girls in the fall, but the junior high age team will have both boy and girl players.
Gaylee Jeffs, recreation director, said the program won’t cost any more for insurance. Winter said he will have a parent meeting in the near future and his goal is ultimately to have a soccer team at the high school.
Emery County Community Theatre will produce Nunsense on March 12-14 with a matinee on March 14. The community theatre requested a donation from the recreation board. The standard donation was approved.
The board approved to give half the fees collected at the racquetball tournament for the use of the facilities at Food Ranch.
The purpose of the tournament was to increase the interest in racquetball in the county and Drew LeRoy at Food Ranch has reported he has had several phone calls and people interested in getting back into the sport.
The fly tying clinic is currently underway and being held each Wednesday at Canyon View Junior High. The board voted to reimburse the teacher Curt Collard for his expenses in providing the class.
The board talked of holding a fly tying clinic at Green River. Tyler Bastian is willing to teach the class and Doyle Jensen is willing to help and Principal Nolan Johnson has approved the use of a Green River school for the class. Fail also wondered if a fishing day could be arranged for the class participants where they could fish in the pond on the golf course. They will find out what is required to use this pond for a fishing day.
The board voted to approve a change in the way the time cards are handled at the recreation district. They will be handled every two weeks to make the system the same as at the county.
The mayors of each city appoint someone from their town to serve on the recreation board. The board members elected their chairman for the 2009 year. Marie Anderson of Emery was voted to chair the board. The vice-chairman is Laurie Pitchforth with the secretary/treasurer Jordan Leonard.
Fail said in one of the upcoming meetings Eugene Swalberg from the State Parks will address the board asking for a donation for the Green River golf course. Swalberg is getting proactive in promoting the course and securing donations to avoid being hit by budget cuts for the 2010 budgeting year.
He sent a letter to the board outlining the important benefits of the Green River course including employing people and offering a significant recreational and economic opportunity all year long in Green River. The course also receives visitors from around the state.
The board members gave their reports. Leonard said the back nine at Millsite will start construction in April and will not interfere with play on the front nine. Nielson Construction will be the contractor for the project. A junior golf clinic is scheduled for June.
The upcoming dodge ball tournament will be on March 21 at the recreation building in Castle Dale. Six people on a team at least although you can have more. The fee is $5 per person. It begins at 8 a.m. and will be a double elimination. There will be age division brackets.
Fail reported the Green River Trail Ride will be on April 11-12. March 12 the junior jazz will start in Green River. The district will again sponsor the special needs bowling for the Green River children.
Bart Cox reported in Orangeville they are having CERT training which is a 20 hour course.
The recreation director Jeffs gave her report. The district is starting a youth swimming league which will have teams from each town and they will compete at swim meets. Tammy Oliverson will operate the league.
The recreation district is beginning a dance class program to teach dances for adults. Darrell Gardner will be contacted to see if he is available to help with this dance instruction.
Special needs swimming program will be on March 2-6 from 4-5 p.m.
The campground host position at Bear Creek is being advertised and bids accepted.
The youth council will not be doing a lamb fry at the fair this year. It’s not clear yet if the lamb fry will be advertised and put out for bid, or if there will be one. Someone suggested maybe just having it for one night the Friday of the fair.
The recreation district received a letter from the state auditor which stated the district is in substantial compliance. The junior jazz tournaments are being held and the season is wrapping up for basketball. “It was wonderful to use the Spartan Center and the old gym at the high school,” said Jeffs.

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