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Ferron City discusses golf course

By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

Ferron Mayor JoAnn Behling introduced Kris Abegglen, the designer for the Millsite expansion project to give some details of the project to the council. The Mayor said there are many items concerning the project which need to be addressed. “I feel we need to go back to the CIB for more money for the project. We need about $230,000 due to increased cost in some areas of the expansion. The expansion committee and the construction company have reviewed the budget and made increases in some areas and decreases in other areas,” said Behling.
A request has been submitted to the CIB for inclusion on their April 2 agenda. The biggest jump in cost was due to the pumps needed for the project. The cost went from $60,000 to $120,000, and the cost of the three phase power which is needed to run those pumps has also increased. An extra $54,000 was added to the final cost of the project due to unexpected costs from the Bureau of Land Management. During the process, the BLM informed the committee there may be cactus in one area of the expansion. This created the situation where an environmental assessment was needed, and then some redesign work was required. Other costs have also risen during the planning stages.
Abegglen said, “Nielson’s Construction has done a great job for this project. They worked with everyone involved during a meeting for the revisions. Everyone involved cut as much as possible without losing the quality of the course. We went through a very thorough process.”
Mayor Behling asked the council to look over the new proposals with consideration given to a vote which will be on the next council agenda. Millsite Golf Course Superintendent Ryan Winn announced the planned opening date for the golf course is March 15.
Mayor Behling informed the council that due to a court decision, the owner of a lot with unoccupied mobile homes has been given six months to remove the trailers and clean up the lot.
Councilman Michael Behling reported he has found a vendor for the auto-read water meters. He has spoken with the Price water district and they said they have several of the meters, in hard to read places, and they work very well. Behling is waiting for the company to respond with the pricing.
Councilman Joe Trenery reported he has been working, and completed the installation of new playground equipment at the fairgrounds park. Councilman Trent Jackson expressed his appreciation to Trenery, Sid Swasey and Ryan Winn for their help with this project.
Councilman Jackson also reported he has a meeting with Garth Johnson, principal at San Rafael Junior High concerning the ball field project. “I would like this project to be complete before the beginning of the baseball and softball seasons,” said Jackson. “Ferron cleanup day is scheduled for April 18 with a breakfast to kick off the day that morning at Mayor’s Park.”
Sgt. Tom Harrison of the Emery County Sheriff’s Office presented the mayor and council with a copy of the Emery County emergency response plan. He requested they read and review the document, and consider adopting this plan for Ferron City. “We are in the process of revamping our plan, and would like all the towns in the county to adopt this plan. In the event of an emergency or disaster, we should all be aware of the procedures. If you decide to adopt this plan, we need a letter or request informing us of your decision,” said Sgt. Harrison.
Mayor Behling explained a request from the county attorney’s office. The county animal control fine schedule has been given to all the towns, and all are being asked to consider going with this schedule. Mayor Behling will set up a meeting with all the other towns representatives to discuss this matter.
The next meeting for the Ferron City Council will be March 12 at 7 p.m. in city hall.

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