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Orangeville City addresses city business

By PHIL FAUVER Guest Writer

The Orangeville City Council February meeting began with a public hearing to reopen the 2008-2009 General Fund Budget to add some un-anticipated money ($64,000 dollars) that came to the city from building permits, a safety assistance grant and the CIB Grant-Adobe Wash. The budget was then increased $64,629.37 for a total of $488,112.37 dollars. This extra money was spent on building inspector costs, the auditor, the Adobe Wash dredging, building supplies and maintenance.
Loyette Holdaway asked the city council to donate and support Emery County Community Theatre. The theater group plans to present the play Nunsense this year. The city council agreed to support the Emery County Community Theater with a donation of $100.
Sinbad Radio Club requested a waiver of fees for using city facilities for the purpose of holding meetings. This Ham Radio Club assists in Emergency situations and receives some money from Home Land Security according to Vice President Jim Anderson. The club meets bi-monthly and the next meeting was held Feb.18 at the Sheriff’s Office. They have about 85 members from Emery and surrounding counties. They also have 14 radio repeater towers on mountains in Central and Eastern Utah. Learning Morse Code is no longer required to get a ham radio license. The City of Orangeville agreed to waive the fees to use city facilities.
Orangeville City spring cleanup will be from April 15 through May 15. The city council is concerned about hazardous materials such as oil, paint, etc., and doesn’t want hazardous materials put in any of the five dumpsters that will be scattered around the city to assist Orangeville citizens in the discarding of trash.
Tracy Addley from the city fire department has asked the city to fund $4,000 for the purchase of a vehicle stabilizer. The vehicle stabilizer would be used to stabilize a vehicle involved in an accident while a person or persons are being removed from the vehicle.
Angle parking versus parallel parking was discussed. Some complaints about angle parking being a hazard have been received. The city council voted to continue with angle parking as it allows for more vehicles to park on Main Street, especially at the school and post office.
Casey Toomer animal control officer reported that the city now has more than 200 dogs licensed. The city council agreed with him on the issue of people baby sitting dogs other than their own. Dogs being baby sat must be licensed and no more than two dogs are allowed per household as the Orangeville Animal Control Ordinance states.
The issue of Wendy Larsen being out of compliance with the Orangeville City ordinance that allows no more than three animal units on her property was discussed. This issue has been ongoing since last fall. She was notified of non-compliance Nov. 18, 2008 and Jan. 8.
The city council authorized dennis Tuttle the Zoning Administrator to issue a citation Feb. 13 of non-compliance to Wendy Larsen’s father the actual owner of the property. The citation will cost Wendy Larsen and her father $250 dollars per week for every week she is out of compliance with the ordinance.
Wendy Larsen is scheduled to appear Feb. 19 before the City of Orangeville Planning and Zoning Board to discuss the option of re-zoning her property, and the option of deannexing or disconnecting part of the Larsen property from the city.
Mayor Bart Cox stated that if the property was disconnected it would still be taxed the same as city property. He also said he had been in contact with the two daughters of Stanton Tuttle and they could not remember if the property had been rented to people caring for animals on the property. For the property to be grandfathered in, as having animals continuously on the property, would have to be proven by the Larsen family.
Mayor Cox asked if Wesley Law was an exception, because his city and agriculture land are joined so his cows water on city zoned land and feed on agriculture zoned land. This means that at times Law has more than three animal units on city zoned land. No decision was made.
Cindy Nielson was having problems with the city’s current fax machine. Mayor Cox said Emery Telcom is aware of the problem caused by a switch at Emery Telcom and are working to correct the situation.
Courtney Cox and Kevin Reynolds discussed the need for replacing the sprinkler system at the city cemetery.
Mayor Cox presented the need to cut back on expenses in the city as revenue coming to the city has dropped. The city will not be hiring any full time people this year and during the summer they will hire a few part time or seasonal people.
Part time and seasonal people do not get paid benefits.
A budget meeting was held on Feb. 17, to go over the Orangeville City budget.

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