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Abandoned mine open house on March 24

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At a recent Emery County Public Lands meeting the topic of the San Rafael Abandoned Mines Project was discussed. Luci Malin is the Abandoned Mine Program Manager and Jan Morse is over outreach and NEPA. Tony Gallegos is the Project Manager over the San Rafael Abandoned Mines Project.
Malin reported on the upcoming Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project. They are beginning the NEPA process to analyze what they might be doing in the San Rafael Swell Area. Malin stated that Chris Conrad from the BLM has been working closely with Tony Gallegos in getting this project ready to go.
This is a cooperative project between the BLM and the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program and the BLM is providing the funding.
There are 168 portals and five shafts that have been identified and impacts about 17 acres. They are only interested in physical safety, hazard mitigation and for these sites that means closing access to the mines. Most of these sites are on BLM managed land and some are on SITLA.
The project enviromental analysis will be complete in July, work will begin in August, and the projected estimate to complete this project is 13 weeks.
An informational open house will be held March 24 from 4-7 p.m. at the Museum of the San Rafael. There will be a two-three week comment period after the open house.

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